Happy Birthday to Me?

The kids decided to celebrate by getting up at 6 this morning. That's a new record for them. I really like Seattle, but I'm not digging the fourteen hours of daylight we're having. It's not even summer yet. Actually, I'm not even sure what time they really got up, since S-Boogie was already dressed and everything by the time she woke me up at six. All I know is that she'd better take a nap today or we're both going to go crazy.


Krista said…
I am a frequent reader of your blog, but this is only my second time to comment... but wanted to wish you a very, very happy birthday. I hope this year brings you much happiness!
Desmama said…
Happy birthday, FoxyJ! I, too, hope S-Boogie and LD take naps for you. I look forward to those almost more than I look forward to nursery after sacrament meeting.
Anonymous said…
Happy Happy Birthday Foxy Dear! I don't know you, but I've read along and I admire you ardently. Thank you for your strength.
Kristeee said…
Happy Birthday!! I personally think everyone should get a birthday nap.
ambrosia ananas said…
Happy birthday!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday from Utah, FoxyJ. I hope it ends up being a wonderful day!
TK said…
Happy Birthday! And I second what MF says about how great you are! May you have a beautiful day, and a great year!
Tina said…
Happy Birthday! Kids always seem to know when it is your birthday or Mother's day. They always either wake up super early or manage to be sick all through the night. :)
Hope you have a great day.
Jenny said…
Happy Birthday! We celebrated the daylight this week by aluminum foiling the windows. So tacky yet effective.
Happy Birthday! All the best wishes for you!
Kengo Biddles said…
Happy, happy birthday. I can empathize on the kids being up...Ginta "Monster" is ALWAYS up at 6:00, and doesn't go back for a nap until 10:00, so life is fun, especially with Marko not sleeping until 3:00AM. GRRRR.

Th. said…

Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Jessie! Love, Dan
Unknown said…
Hey there Jessie,

Hope you have a great birthday! Thanks for being a great sister!


Melyngoch said…
As has been said many times, but still with more than four hours to go, at least in my time zone, Happy Birthday!
Samantha said…
Happy Birthday, Jessie. I hope it was wonderful.

By the way, my word verification started with "fxj..." I think it knows who you are.
Earth Sign Mama said…
8:19:19 A.M. Pacific Standard Time
The magic hour of the beginning of FoxyJ--10 pounds!! The midwife weighed her three times.
Katria said…
Happy (nearly belated) birthday! Hope your kids napped well for you and that it was a nice day.
The Weed said…
Happy B-day!!! Thought we'd sqeeze on in 27 minutes before midnight... You're awesome.

J & L
Unknown said…
I'm way late. But, I'm in this whole other country you see. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you got my present! I love you!!
Kari said…
Happy Birthday! Sorry it's late but I was under anesthesia at the time. Hope this year brings some peace and lots of joy!

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