Life this week

Last night we had a fun little birthday party for Little Dude. We had a few friends come over and I think everyone had a good time. S-Boogie insisted that we needed party hats and balloons (she's read Dora's Surprise Party a few too many times), so Master Fob provided both. S-Boogie and her friend Dylan were the only ones excited about the hats, but the balloons were a big hit with Little Dude and all the other kids. This morning when he woke up and saw the balloons in the living room he got excited all over again. We ate shish kebabs (chicken, shrimp, and veggie), fruit salad, chips and dip, and curried couscous salad (the salad is really good--I doubled the amount of couscous and kept the other ingredients the same). The food all turned out really well, and I made two kinds of cupcakes for dessert. We had vanilla ones with chocolate frosting and chocolate with vanilla frosting. Little Dude enjoyed his chocolate cupcake quite a lot, but then he had trouble sleeping all night. Probably the caffeine. He also got a nice little collection of board books from everyone, and I got him a caterpillar pull toy. The toy was basically welded to the box, but with the combined effort of several people we managed to free it. It was a good birthday and a fun reason to get friends together and party.

Also, I just got an email asking me to come in and interview for a job! It's a position that I found on craigslist, and it's not high on my list of desirable jobs. But, they are willing to interview me so I'll go see how it feels. It would be a word processing/document preparation position, so at least it doesn't involve a lot of phone answering or front desk work. Now I'm getting really nervous that I oversold myself in my cover letter and that in my interview I'll just come across as an incompetent nerd. I think my interview will be Friday, but it hasn't been confirmed yet.

Last week my computer started doing this weird thing where it will suddenly shut off without warning. It tells me that there's a problem with the memory. It's under warrenty, but I really don't want to ship my computer off to get fixed right now, so I'm going to hold out until next week and have my brother look at it when I get to Utah.

Yes, we're coming to Utah for a few days next week. It will be me and the kids and we're mainly coming down to go to a family reunion at Lagoon. I've never been to Lagoon before, but I think the kids will love it. Plus I'm planning to get my thesis all taken care of and turned into the library for binding. Then I will truly be free and ready to graduate. That will be nice. I'm already feeling a little freaked out about taking them both on the plane by myself, but hopefully we'll all survive the ride. It's just like sitting through sacrament meeting, right?


Th. said…

Make sure you don't take them anywhere haunted....
Congratulations on the interview. I hope it works out, unless it ends up not being a job you want, in which case I hope something better works out.

Tell Little Dude that I didn't sleep well last night either. I think I also had one too many cupcakes (and four too many shrimp, and eight too many pieces of chicken...).
Anonymous said…
I'm bummed...we will miss you guys. Have fun at Lagoon. Happy Belated to Little Dude!
Earth Sign Mama said…
"Just like sitting in Sacrament meeting"
With bigger drinks, and nowhere to go when the crying and screaming jags start...

(Note my optimism with the word "when")
Jenny said…
Good luck with the interview. And you can do almost anything for an hour and a half with kids, I bet. I did it for 5hrs with 2 and we survived and I am not as with the program as you are.

My son was so excited about checking everything out around our seat that I didn't even need a drink or toy for nearly an hour and a half. He loved looking out the window. Also, Sboogie is so big now that she can sit and do her thing and that will be really nice. Everything goes to crap for us once we hit the 1.5 hr mark on every flight we've ever taken.
The Weed said…
Yes!!! I'm very happy to hear about the interview. A bite! I hope it goes well. This, even if not the job for you, can only be an omen of good things to come... ;-)
skyeJ said…
Yaay!!! Interview! I'm jealous of the Lagoon party. Lagoon is really fun. And it would be a TOTAL blast with Soapy soap and the LD. Geez. Guess Crazy Aunt Skye will just have to find something comparable in Seattle. :)
Kristeee said…
Congrats and good luck with the interview - I personally doubt you oversold yourself. You don't seem the type. A plane ride though? You'll rock that! If all else fails, you can make animal faces on the barf bags and use them as puppets to put on a show (my little bro and I had a blast doing this!).
ambrosia ananas said…
Good luck with the interview. And yeah. You can't possibly have oversold yourself, because 1-doc formatting/processing is not that hard, and 2-you're really smart.

Also, if you're around our end of town at all, we'd love to have you and the kids over to dinner. You can drop me an email at ambrosia.ananas (at) gmail if you're interested/have time.
Lindsay said…
Congrats and good luck with the interview!

Also, sounds like a spectacular party. :)
Kengo Biddles said…
Good luck with the interview, congrats on a successful party, and one parting thought.

Airplane + children =


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