Sunshine, Rainbows, and Kitty Cats

I was hoping that somehow yesterday would turn into a great day after all and then I would have a more positive post to put up instead of my venting from yesterday morning. It didn't happen. No one has called me wanting to interview me. Little Dude spent over an hour awake last night; so did I, trying to teach him how to go to sleep by himself in his bed. Last night he won--after I picked him up he fell asleep within two minutes of me rocking with him in the chair. I feel tired, yucky, and stressed. So, I guess if you want happiness right now you're going to have to go here or here instead.

But, it really hasn't been all that bad. The weather here has been great for the last two days. Yesterday we took a picnic lunch to the park and had a great time. Little Dude loved the swing and said "ooh" and "aah" the whole time he was swinging. We also helped him stand up on the merry-go-round and held him while spinning it very, very slowly.I thought his face was going to crack, his grin was so big. This afternoon we got out the bike trailer/stroller my generous sister-in-law passed on to us. My bike is still in need of repairs, so I just used it as a stroller and took both kids for a walk. They loved it. I was worried that Little Dude would get antsy and bother S-Boogie too much, but they had a great time together. S-Boogie was so sad when we went home because she wanted to keep walking in the cool new stroller. This evening I felt good because I gave away a bunch of random baby stuff to a couple in my ward. It was filling up my closet and I didn't feel like saving it any more (changing pad, crib bedding, mobile, baby toys, etc). It was fun because they were so happy to get stuff; the guy said "awesome" at least four times while they were here. I felt a little sad giving things away, but people have been so generous to us that I love to return the favor when I can.

And tomorrow evening I get to fly to Utah for a brief, "relaxing" vacation. I'm feeling fairly stressed about the defense and the guest teaching I'm doing on Friday (I have to video myself teaching for a job application). But the thought of going away for a few days all by myself is very, very relaxing. The defense is Thursday morning, so I should be able to get the most painful part of the trip out of the way early. Hopefully things will go well and I'll be able to party for a few days to celebrate really being done with grad school. If they don't, I guess I'll just have to party anyways.


Kengo Biddles said…
I hope on your vacation you can make some time for temple time. That is something I wish I had done when Helga and I would've saved me a LOT of trouble.
skyeJ said…
Do you have to wear a suit of armor when you defend your thesis? I think you ought to. That would look really cool. You could also wear a sword. Then if people give you crap you can just cut off their heads or disembowel them or something. And yell in Spanish. Or throw some Spanish Literature at their decapitated corpses or something. That sounds like the way a thesis defence ought to go, I think.
Jenny said…
I have never taken the kids on a long enough walk in the stroller either. I hope you have lots more nice days to push them around in. Good luck with your defense.
Kristeee said…
Good luck! And don't forget to stop by the Creamery for some of the best ice cream - there isn't much that an Oreo shake or a couple scoops of Earnestly Chocolate can't, at least temporarily, help.
JB said…
Best of luck! :)
Th. said…

Good luck out there.
Vanessa Swenson said…
Welcome to Utah. The cute overload was, wow, extensively cute. Engrish is much more fulfilling.
I'm glad Little Dude enjoyed the Merry-Go-Round.
Tolkien Boy said…
Good luck while in some Utah! I hope that things turn out marvellously well there.

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