Not Much to Say

Well, an entire week went by without any change on the job front. I got one letter telling me that they didn't pick me for an interview, but that was it. Still haven't heard anything from either teaching job. I have applied for a number of other things. I've even started applying for more things here in the city, even though most don't pay very much compared to the cost of living here. But, I'm still waiting patiently and I'm not going to panic and start applying at Safeway just yet.

Other than that, I haven't been doing much besides the day-to-day management of kids. This afternoon Little Dude had an early nap and S-Boogie didn't have one at all, so we went on a spontaneous outing to the Arboretum. Next time I will pack the backpack, not the stroller, since the trails were not very smooth at all. I did appreciate the stroller when it started raining, since Little Dude was cozy and dry under his plastic covering. S-Boogie loved going to the "forest" and we barely explored one of the many trails there, so we will definitely be going back. One of the amazing things about this city is the amount of green space that's so easily accessible. I'm loving getting outside so often. We've got the bike trail right out our back door, a nature preserve and a park with hiking less than five minutes away, and the arboretum and the lake about ten minutes away. I think I'm beginning to appreciate nature more, especially since I don't have to sweat while I'm enjoying it. Next time, though, I'll check the weather more carefully and pack our raincoats just in case. There's a reason why everything is so green around here.

Now I'm going to go make lemon bars for tomorrow's "linger longer" after church and maybe have a little of the marionberry ice cream my friends left behind last night. It's a good thing we've been going on walks almost every day, but I think even that is probably not enough to counteract the massive amount of treats I've been eating lately.


ecogrrl said…
Longtime lurker here...the job market in Seattle can be pretty tough, and I'm in the midst of a hunt myself. I've learned a few things from experience -- shoot me an email (gavigan_at_u_dot_washington_dot_edu) if you need any advice or encouragement. :)
Marci said…
Marionberry Ice Cream...mmmm...sounds yummy!
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
mmmm....lemon bars!

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