Losing It

Normally, I have a very sharp mind. I remember all kinds of useless facts, and I can scare people with my stalker-like abilities to remember the minutiae of their lives after meeting them only once. It is unusual for me to lose things or to forget about stuff. Unfortunately, stress has a way of eroding the brain's ability to capture information, and lately I've suffered from some uncharacteristic lapses in judgement. For instance, a few weeks ago, I got the mail, stopped by the house to drop it off, then left to go to the store. As I shut my front door, I realized that I had left my keys sitting on the counter with the mail. Thankfully I walked around the building and discovered that my sliding door was not locked and I could get in and get the keys. Unfortunately, it's really scary that my door was unlocked and I hadn't remembered to check it before leaving the house.

I've also been doing things like putting salad in the freezer and forgetting to bring all my groceries home from the store. A little while ago I lost Little Dude's immunization card. I keep waiting for it to show up, and it still hasn't. I'm beginning to think that I must have tossed it in the trash can. The other night I was frantically searching for Little Dude's pacifier. I could remember seeing it on the desk, and then I could remember thinking that I should get up and go put it on the dresser in his room where it usually goes. After that point, though, my mind went blank. After searching all over the house (with a crying baby in my arms), I finally thought to check the trash can. The pacifier was sitting in the bottom. I think I'd better start checking my trash before I take it out.

The worst incident just happened tonight. I was checking the diaper bag to make sure that we're ready for S-Boogie to go to school tomorrow and I realized that I don't have my security card to get into the school. I feel stupid because I just got it last week and haven't even used it yet. Once again, I can remember noticing it in the pocket of the bag before church on Sunday and thinking that I should put it somewhere else. And once again, that is where my fabulous memory breaks down. I don't know if I took it out and put it somewhere safe, or if I left in the pocket. I'm thinking that I put it in the pocket and that Little Dude took it out and lost it at church. Which is annoying because I have to pay $25 to replace it and I get to feel like an idiot for losing it within one week of getting it. Yuck. I guess the moral of this post is that I should get to bed right now, because sleep is supposed to restore your memory. And maybe some kind of miracle will happen overnight and I won't keep having these total blank spots in my brain.


Cricket said…
oh my gosh! That same junk happens to me alot. It is very frusterating and unnerving. Sleep well...
Jenny said…
I had a great memory until I had my second child. Now I do the things you describe on a daily basis and it drives me crazier than I think I'm already becoming. I hope you find your card.
Desmama said…
I hear you on everything. My long-term memory is sharp as a knife. My short term? A sieve.
Mama said…
Foxy - I'm sorry about forgetting things! I often have to do the old announcement trick so that I remember where I put things. Like a crazy person I have to say aloud, "I am now putting my car keys on the table."

The sheer embarrassment of the announcement (and did I spell embarrassment correctly? I don't think so - anyhooo) causes me to remember where I left them.

I wanted to ask - not to be all nosy - but have you had your thyroid checked? When I lost my memory really horribly (and had other symptons, as well) I had bloodwork done and discovered I was hypothyroid.

Of course, you have other reasons to be forgetting right now, but in the past, some of the things you've written have sounded JUST like me when I was hypothyroid.

Just a thought....hope that wasn't too intrusive...and GOOD LUCK REMEMBERING!!!
FoxyJ said…

I actually had my thyroid levels tested a few months ago. Thyroid disease runs in my family, so I get it checked regularly. They said I was normal, but sometimes I do wonder...
Th. said…


You're turning into me!
Mama said…
Well then dangitalltoheck, Foxy. I was hoping there might be an easier fix for ya than having to actually remember. That little thyroid replacement pill does wonders for me.

As my kids have gotten older, it's now a smidge easier with all the stuff I lose. Now, 2 of my girls are big enough I can do the old, "Where are Mama's (fill in the blank)?" And about half the time, someone will know.

The other half the time, I can bribe them with marshmallows to look for it for me.

Here's to hoping you find you card! And any other lost items of interest! Sanity, your inner muse, etc.... :)

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