The Jolly Fat Man

That's my latest nickname for Little Dude--he's getting very fat and he's slowly learning how to be jolly. He just turned four months old yesterday and it's amazing how fast time is flying. And if I've learned anything from fairy tales, it's that if you get what you want there will always be a catch. After spending S-Boogie's entire first year in a sleep-deprived stupor, I hoped for a child who would do a better job sleeping at night. And I got it: Little Dude will go to sleep around 8 or 9 (10 on a bad night) and sleep until at least 7 the next morning. Bliss. But he still doesn't sleep much during the day and we aren't on much of a nap schedule yet. He also hasn't yet discovered how to be awake and happy either, so there is much crankiness. And my body has been having some trouble adjusting to the long stretch of sleep, so during the day my milk supply has been slow to catch up, resulting in a very angry baby who is miffed because nothing is coming out of the faucet. Yesterday and today we've just been hanging around the house, so I've been trying to feed him very frequently. And I pump before I go to bed, so there's one extra "feeding" every day. I really hope it works and my body adjusts. Despite all the other stress, I'm glad Little Dude has come out of his shell more lately. He has learned to smile at people and he loves to catch your eye and give you a big grin (when he's not tired). Today at lunch he was even giggling at S-Boogie. It's almost like he's a real person or something!


I need to hug and kiss all of you - I'm waiting for my flight out of Tel Aviv and vowing to come to Seattle very soon...
Melyngoch said…
Please, please tell me you're dressing him up as Santa Claus for Christmas.
skyeJ said…
ooohhh. Santa Claus!! Maybe he could come to Morocco, and bring love and cheer to the poor pathetic Peace Corps Volunteers here.

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