Feathering the nest

I seem to be alternating between feeling totally like crud and feeling massive amounts of energy. That whole "nesting instinct" you might have heard about is a very real thing, folks. When I feel good, all I want to do is clean my house, cook, and finish up all my little projects that are scattered here and there. I really need to convince myself that some of this energy should go towards writing my 10-page paper that's due a week from Monday.

Today I wore myself out by cooking a massive bunch of food and freezing it. Call me Molly if you want, but my freezer is now stocked with casseroles. The funny thing is, we don't usually eat very many casseroles, but those were the sorts of recipes I could find that apparently freeze well. Plus, all you have to do is bake them and add a salad or fruit and dinner is ready. I know I'm going to need stuff like that on hand. I usually only buy meat every few months anyways, when I go to Costco and buy giant packages of it that then go in the freezer. So I figured I might as well cook the meat and then freeze it this time, rather than having to remember to defrost it, then cook it into something. Some of it is just things like taco meat and sloppy joe filling, but we have some yummy looking casseroles in there. I also stopped by Master Fob's sister's house today to pick up some hand-me-downs, so our child now has clothes and a carseat. I feel so prepared--all we need are diapers and a few other things for me.

The only downside to cooking all day is that I now don't want to set foot in my kitchen ever again. I'm afraid I'm going to spend the next hour until Master Fob gets home trying to justify going to Sonic for an Oreo shake and a BLT. Unfortunately that's not in our budget, but I really hope he feels like cooking because I am worn out!


TK said…
Hmmm. If I would have read this yesterday, I might have guessed that you'd have the baby today! :)

I hope you're able to get a lot of rest in the hospital. I'm sure you'll be glad you did all that cooking! VERY efficient of you!

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