
Most of the time I'm not that great at making decisions. I have a tendency to either make a really quick decision based on impulse and gut feelings (I especially do this when taking tests) or else I put off making a decision and stress about my alternatives for much too long. The impulsive decision making has generally served me well in places like school and on the College Bowl team, but it isn't always the best thing when applied to life. But, the dithering and hemming and hawing don't work out so great either.

I was thinking about decision styles today for two reasons. First of all, S-Boogie has been sick again for the last few days (see
here and here ) This morning the cold migrated to her chest and has made her very congested. Given her history of hospitalization for not breathing right, this naturally makes me very nervous. Most of all, because as parents it is up to us to decide what to do. Is she wheezing yet, or just breathing heavily? Should we use the nebulizer or wait and see? It's so hard to make these kinds of decisions. One time we dragged her down to the doctor at 10 pm on Sunday night, got covered with vomit in the waiting room, and then were told that it was just the flu. Another time we waited through a day of wheezing to see if it would get better (she was perky and stuff, just breathing a little funny), and she ended up in the hospital for four days. Sigh--does any one have a crystal ball handy?

The other decision that I have been putting off for a while is planning when I will write my thesis and graduate. I will admit that I've partially just been waiting to see if I will get pregnant and have a baby next summer, which would mean I could delay graduation for a while. But that does not seem to be happening, so I've made a firm resolution to write my thesis and defend it in enough time to graduate in August. I love school and I would like to stick around for longer, but I think we are both ready to move on with our lives and be done with it. So there will be no more dilly dallying around; I guess I should get off the computer and go do my homework, shouldn't I?



You're trying to get PREGNANT?

Well, THAT explains a lot.

svoid said…
Interesting, I have never heard 'dithering' used that way before. I always thought that it was a computer term.

From, "n : the process of representing intermediate colors by patterns of tiny colored dots that simulate the desired color"

Of course, the sentence makes much more sense when read using this alternate (and primary) definition of dithering on,
"A state of indecisive agitation"

Well, I guess that counts as the one new thing that I learned today. Can I go home now?
FoxyJ said…
Well, and I never knew that dithering had any other meaning, so now we have both been enlightened.

I have nothing to say about Master Fob's comment.

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