The longest trip to editorgirl's house ever
On Sunday evening we went to editorgirl's house to watch a movie, and I just barely came home today. I should probably be lying down instead of blogging, but Master Fob is at Target picking up my Percocet so I might as well be uncomfortable and blogging instead of lying in bed feeling uncomfortable. So yeah, most of you have read what Master Fob posted for me, and hopefully some of you read his nice gory post about what happened. And there are some cute pictures of the baby on S-Boogie's blog, just remember that I felt as bad as I looked in that one picture of me. Basically, I feel bad now for ignoring my nagging feeling last weekend that something was wrong and that I should get my crampiness checked out. Instead, I kept going and went ahead with my weekend plans. On Sunday night we went over to editorgirl's to enjoy a movie and chocolate cake (I'm also glad I didn't have a second piece of cake, since the first one barely stayed in my stomach). About 9 o'clock...