
Today in the Smiths parking lot I saw a car that had "Honk if your horney" written on the back window. I thought about honking, but I wasn't sure what a "horney" was or what mine was supposed to be doing...


Katria said…
I've seen a bumper sticker like that, too.

And um... I'm not sure if you want to know.
Earth Sign Mama said…
Good one! I just love misspelled vulgarities, one of my favorites is when some punks broke into our recently vacated rental house years ago and spray painted "Go Home Nigers" to our Iranian landlords...oohh, that really stung.
Katria said…
Actually, I rethought my comment. Being a Neurotic Psychoanalyst really isn't that bad.
Cricket said…
Okay, after seeing that sticker prolly a hundred times, it took until JUST NOW to see the irony.

Horn... honk... using your horn makes you horn-y... that's funny
Anonymous said…
I saw a license plate frame the other day that read, "Everyone's entitled to be stupid but you're abusing the privilage."

Oh, the irony!

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