How to dress your man

We went to the mall tonight and shopped. At the Gap. I generally am not into shopping or very aware of fashion at all, but lately I realized that Master Fob needed some new clothes for his amazing teaching career. This is still kind of weird for me to admit, because I've never really been picky about his clothes. And I feel like he's good looking as it is and does well picking out things on his own. And I feel like I'm becoming too much of a Fascinating Woman by commenting on his wardrobe. But I consulted with my sister, who goes shopping much more frequently than we do, and we got some good ideas for him to try out. So we ended up at the Gap and now Master Fob looks like the hip young professor that he is.


The hip, young, empty-pocketed professor, that is. I've never spent so much on three articles of clothing in my life. But then, such is the cost of beauty, I suppose.
Th. said…

I've been wearing new clothes lately as well. It's kind of thrilling actually. And it's nice to have collared shirts to wear with my thousands of ties.

(Real number probably around 300.)

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