Reincarnated clothing

I had a weird thought this morning as I was getting dressed for church. I decided to wear one of my favorite skirts, a long, blue number with a flower print on it. I got the skirt a few years ago at DI and have worn it frequently since then. I like it because it matches several different tops that I have, so I can wear it during any season. It is also long enough to wear when I haven't shaved my legs, and it is a size bigger than my usual so the waistband is extra comfy. So this morning as I was putting it on, I realized that I had never thought about the person who had it before I did. I buy a lot of my clothes at thrift stores and I don't think I've ever thought about what they did before I bought them. I wonder if the person who owned my skirt wore it frequently, or if it generally hid in the back of the closet. And why did she give it away? Did it get too small or just out of fashion? I wonder if it did anything exciting, like go on a mission. Mine has gone to Hawaii and to Maryland and has appeared at several weddings. I also wore it to S-Boogie's baby blessing and several other similar events. And I'm sure that some day I will give it away (well, unless I manage to totally wear it out) and so of course I wonder who will have it next and what they will do with it...


Attention Foxy J Fans:

Please forgive the current minimalist/under construction look of Foxy's blog. It's my fault--I'm trying to figure this html thing out.

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