A fine moment in parenting

Yesterday morning S-Boogie went in her room and got dressed all by herself. I was so proud; usually she drags me in there to discuss her clothing options. We spend twenty minutes arguing and she rejects all of my suggestions. If I tell her I don't want to argue and I don't care, she throws herself to the ground sobbing that she needs help. So yesterday was great because I didn't have to do any of that and she actually picked out something cute.

Later in the day I went and picked her up from the bus. She came home, put away her shoes and backpack, and announced:

"Guess what? I didn't wear panties to school today!"


Kristeee said…
HAH! That's hilarious - going commando in Kindergarten and proud of it. hehe.
Samantha said…
LOL--she's so awesome.
Earth Sign Mama said…
How adorable---takes after her auntie!!
Lindsay said…
That just sounds...uncomfortable. But whatever floats her boat, I suppose. :)
Vanessa Swenson said…
That's an awesome story, hysterical.
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
I'm trying to talk to talk to my grandparents while reading (I know, multitasking never did anybody any good) and I just completely lost my focus. Too funny!
M said…
That is just plain hilarious. Can't wait to get to that point...well, sort of. :-)
Tina said…
That is too funny! But funny because she is 4, not so funny when your 8 year old son does it!
Courtney said…
That is awesome.
Jenny said…
Way to be liberated while at preschool.
Desmama said…
I love it. I love that she announced it too--not just waited till you found out.
I haven't laughed out loud like I am right now for a long time. How in the world did you keep a straight face for that?
Kengo Biddles said…

Be grateful for diapers, I guess...
skyeJ said…
panties, and frankly most underwear in general, are way overrated.
Mary said…
Oh dear... That sounds like one of my children. Let's hope she outgrows the arguing, rejecting, sobbing part. I pretty much gave up on helping my daughter with homework, violin, etc because she'd ask for help and then yell at me for being critical. I never quite figured out how to tell her that her answer was wrong or that she played the wrong note without telling her that she had the wrong answer or played the wrong note you see. I didn't really give up, but it got to the point where I'd bail out as soon as the arguing began and leave her to make her own mistakes. She really didn't outgrow this until her late teens. Good luck!
JB said…
HAHAHA! Go SBoogie!
Becca said…
This makes me laugh!
Carina said…
I'm so glad my kid isn't the only one who throws a dramatic fit because he "needs help!"

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