Question of the week

Since this blog has been kind of boring lately, I thought I'd try a debate. I don't know if this is controversial or not, but here goes.

How do you feel about dressing up like a Mormon missionary for Halloween? Cool? Not cool? Why or why not?


Whether it is wrong or not, I won't really weigh in on.

But as far as how good of costume it is. L-A-M-E. It is the one that all of the teenage boys at my high school did if they had brothers who were RM's. (For the nametags.) No effort, no planning, no special effects. (The second to this is the non costume, but I just sprayed my hair purple for the heck of it.)

Now, if two guys got really snarky and dressed like Sister RM's. . . I think I'd be torn between being offended and just laughing right out loud. I guess it would depend on my mood.

By the by, and speaking of controversy, have you heard of Doctor Stephen Bezruchka out of the University of Washington? I just heard a radio broadcast from a speech he gave last year on Alternative Radio. Fascinating stuff, I think you'd love it. I am probably going to post on it, but I can't link anyone to the transcript because AR charges for them.
Samantha said…
Not cool, if for no other reason than that there are so many other more cool things/people/specters to become on the acceptable dress-up day. Although Mormon missionary vampires might be fun...or missionary grim reapers...or mummified missionaries...oh...the possibilities are endless...
How about missionary calendar boys?
M said…
BORING. Although the Sisters in our ward dressed up as Elders for the Halloween part at church. That was highly amusing.

I don't know on the rightness or wrongness...I don't think it's that bad. Course, you could get people dressed up as missionaries snatching little kids' candy bags, and that would just be depressing.
Jenny said…
I saw the Missionary Calendar Boys and that would be funny as long as you were making fun of how dumb they are. I do think there are better things to dress up as though.
Anonymous said…
Em Said:

"BORING. Although the Sisters in our ward dressed up as Elders for the Halloween part at church. That was highly amusing. "

This is really interesting. I'm sure if the Elders dressed up as Sister missionaries, cross dressing with wigs and dresses, everyone would flip. No?

Also, I saw a great pair of zombie missionaries at a party last week looking for dead people to convert... I thought it was a funny costume.
Kengo Biddles said…
Guess that brings new meaning to "redeeming the dead"...

I think it's fine, but you've got to find some way to spice it up.
Kristeee said…
Little kids (like under 8) dressing up like an older brother/sister missionary? Cute, I say, but there are better costumes for sure.
ambrosia ananas said…
Cute if the kid is under five and chooses the costume him- or herself. Lame otherwise.

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