Food, Friends, and Family

Since I usually blog about the disasters, I thought I should blog about the wonderful weekend I just had. Things got off to a good start on Friday when the college called to let me know that my paperwork had reappeared and my contract was ready to sign. Even better than that, Mr. Fob had decided to work from home so I could drive over there without Little Dude and sign the darn thing. I stopped off at Trader Joe's on the way home and got some yummy munchies, including some cool baby kiwis from the produce section. Friday night we decided to go down to Ikea for some family fun. S-Boogie played in the kids' area while we spent an hour window shopping with Little Dude, then we all ate dinner together at the restaurant (the kids even got free meals from their Kids Club membership).

The best part of my weekend arrived on Friday night at the Amtrak station. My sister came up from Portland for two days and we had a fabulous time together. We started things off well by staying up until 3:30 in the morning talking. Oops. Then we spent all day Saturday at the Sunstone Northwest symposium. It was really good and I enjoyed all the thoughtful and interesting presentations. We took an extended lunch break and ate Thai food, browsed in a store, and shared a piece of cake from a bakery. Last night we stopped in at a blog party hosted by a poster on By Common Consent. The food was great and the people were a lot of fun. I love to meet people in person after connecting online. S-Boogie fell asleep in the car on the way home; that always makes bedtime a lot easier.

Today was a lazy Sunday. Skye went to church with me and the kids, then this afternoon she played with S-Boogie while I took a quick nap on the couch. After Little Dude's nap we went over to Gas Works Park. We thought it would be cool to get our family picture for this year with Seattle in the background, but it was actually too sunny (crazy, I know) to get a really good shot. We may need to try again at Thanksgiving. This was great weekend and I love having my sister live close enough to hang out. I think all I need in life is good friends (including family) and good food. Especially Thai and Greek food.


It sounds like a perfect weekend. Much deserved after your "24."
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
Sounds positively delightful.
M said…
Hooray for the sunny (literal and figurative) stuff...always a nice break from the norm.
Mo said…
I have been a lurker here FOREVER and Tracy M tried to drag me to the snacker this weekend. Alas, I was having so much fun at my in-laws that I skipped it. I was hopeful to meet you and some other people there, but convinced myself that everyone else would skip it too. Oops. Maybe next time...

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