Another Reason I Hate Football (And Public Drunkenness)

Tonight we went out to take my sister to the train station. I thought of staying home, but I felt like I needed a break since I had spent all day sitting on the couch. Mr. Fob was grateful that I came to help navigate around the yucky traffic, and I was glad I had not been home when we got back to our apartment and discovered this.

Stupid football. Stupid alcohol. Stupid college students. Stupid rivalry.

PS--We have double pane windows so there is no glass in our apartment and no cold air coming in. We talked to the university police and hopefully we'll get it fixed by housing on Monday. I'm also going to talk to the housing office about some sort of fence around our patio, because I'm tired of things getting stolen and people throwing trash on our porch.


JB said…
That's really terrible. I hope they fix it right away. I also wonder if they're double paned windows because this has happened before. . .
robin marie said…
holy cow! how ridiculous is that!??!! we are really sorry for you. what a joke!
Lindsay said…
Good heavens! That is what I call totally unacceptable. I hope the housing office fixes things up for you -- and quick, too.
Kristeee said…
Wow, what a pain. Drunken fans are an awful bunch of people - sober angry fans are bad enough! Hopefully it gets fixed soon.
Desmama said…
That's horrible! Do things get stolen off your patio often? That's even more horrible! And while it's awful that it happened at all, I imagine it might have been rather frightening to have been in the apartment when it did, so perhaps it's better that you weren't. Maybe. At any rate, I hope things get fixed up soon.
How icky. We were just in student housing ourselves and the apartments just through the fence from us were much wasted on riotous living. And one of them had a gun that we would actually hear go off at random times. I think the apartments were actually owned by Desmama's dad.
Mindy said…
I am so sorry about your ankle and the window. Did you at least get a new bike out of the ordeal?

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