Wasted Time

A few weeks ago someone sent Mr. Fob an invitation to join Goodreads and then he sent one to me. It's the perfect site for all the bad qualities that I have: wasting time looking through lists, feeling superior to others because of my taste in reading, making pointless lists of things I've done in my life, finding more books to read, etc. I have certainly had a lot of fun on it so far and don't intend to stop, but it's crazy how many people out there are as bibliophilic as I am.

Speaking of wasted time, last night after Smallville I discovered that CSI and Without a Trace are both on on Thursday night on CBS. I guess I won't be reading quite so many books in the future. At least not on Thursdays.

Speaking of not wasted time, Mr. Fob and I went on a date tonight. Without the children. It was fabulous. We went over to the Bellevue Arts Museum, which is free on the first Friday of the month. There were several really interesting exhibits. The one that really got me excited was by a Vietnamese artist who does these giant photo weavings that juxtapose still images from movies about the Vietnam war with photographs from the war. He also had an interesting installation with two projectors showing clips from Platoon and Apocalypse Now (it was called "fathers and sons" and was very trippy because Charlie Sheen and Martin Sheen really do look a lot alike in those two movies). He also had some cool pictures that juxtaposed Christian imagery with Buddhist. The exhibit really got me thinking a lot about history and popular culture, which is what I would love to write my dissertation on. So now I'm all pumped up to write my statement of purpose for my application to Oregon because I've been putting it off for a while. I got my UC Davis application all finished up the other night. They only wanted 500 words for my statement of purpose, so it was pretty easy to write. One application completed, one almost done, and one more to get to work on (Berkeley's application involves an amazing amount of papers and essays and cassette tapes of my spoken Spanish).


Jenny said…
That art exhibit sounds pretty interesting. I also waste time on good reads. Only I never feel superior to other readers, I'm more intimidated by their (your) reading lists.
Desmama said…
That sounds like a fun date. In Bellevue there's a restaurant called Daniel's Broiler where I first ate filet mignon and nearly died of happiness. It spoiled me for filet mignon from anywhere else thereafter.

Good luck with your applications! Let us know when you hear from them (obviously ;)).

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