Happy Blogday to me

I just realized that Wednesday marked one year of blogging for me. I hope everyone has enjoyed the journey. I wasn't sure what I'd be writing about when I started, and I didn't really mean to turn this into a forum dedicated to pregnancy and bowel troubles. But, that's what's been on my mind and that's what ends up on the web. I've met lots of new friends through this past year and I'm glad to get to know you, even if I haven't met some of you in person yet. I hope this next year will be just as interesting!

I think I need to go make some brownies to celebrate this occasion...


TK said…
I for one, have enjoyed reading about what's going on in far-off Utah, and specifically with you and your family! Thanks. I look forward to continued reading (along with continued pics of your beautiful children on their page).
Yes. Happy belated blog day to you! It was good to meet you at the blog party when the thteeds were in town, and I've enjoyed checking in on you since then.
Cricket said…
so, did you make the brownies??

Happy Belated blog-day :)
Anonymous said…


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