
Within the last 24 hours Little Dude has had one massive spit up attack that soaked his shirt and car seat as well as 2 overflowing diapers that covered his entire lower body (and everything else) in poo. It's amazing how much liquid can come out of such a little person. I'm just glad that all of these incidents occured within the comfort of our own home. And, even though I don't have air conditioning or a dishwasher, I'm exceedingly grateful to have a washing machine.


Earth Sign Mama said…
Once I had a child do one of the overflowing diaper things in the pediatrition's office. But because I was a naive new mother of one, I hadn't brought along a change of clothes. For either of us. So we just rode home on the city bus with him wrapped up in a blanket, and me with very damp jeans from where I'd scrubbed off all I could in the ladies room. Sigh...
AmyJane said…
Ew. My favorite is the first time they poop in the bathtub. How can something so sweet and little produce such utter nastiness?
Katria said…
No AC?? How do you live? Don't you at least have a swamp cooler??
Cricket said…
praise God for the washing machine!!!
Unknown said…
I've discovered I can live with no AC and no dishwasher...but no washing machine is difficult. Not as difficult, I'm sure, as it would be if I had children. But still...I'm not a fan, really, of communal clothes-washing places.
FoxyJ said…
We actually have a little window unit that cools off our living room fairly well. So, I sort of have A/C.
skyeJ said…
Not a fan of communal laundry places, huh? Try your front stoop, where the community is a group of women, laughing behind their hands at you and your poor hand-wringing techniques. Up till now you've had the luxury of a washboard. The water is green and swimming with hookworms, but hopefully the soap, or at least line-drying will kill them and their eggs. We'll see... And the rinse water, when you haul it on your back from the well everyday, well that doesn't have to be perfectly clear either. As long as there isn't quite as much soap scum and dirt in it as the wash water, then the clothes will rinse clean. "Clean" being a relative term. Count your blessings ladies. You not only have running water, you have it in usually at LEAST two rooms INSIDE your house. And it comes out either hot OR cold, not just what the weather dictates. Rachel, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE LIVE "LIKE THIS". And they have babies, too.

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