Two weeks

Little Dude had his two week checkup today, and apparently the hours of feeding are paying off. He's gone up 5 ounces since he was born, and weighs nearly a pound more than he did when he left the hospital (most babies lose some weight in the days between birth and coming home). He's around the 15th percentile for height and weight, which isn't bad for being a few weeks early; that's where S-Boogie has stayed for most of her life, so I guess I just have kids that are a little smaller than average. He also managed to grow half an inch in the last two weeks, so that's pretty good too.

I had a checkup yesterday and things look good for me too. I'm still a bit sore and I'm not supposed to lift or push or carry or pull anything (vacuums, shopping carts, toddlers, carseats, etc) for a few more weeks, but generally I'm feeling pretty well most of the time. My grandma passed away last Saturday, so we're planning on driving up to Wyoming on Thursday for the funeral. It's a little soon for a road trip, but I think we'll be OK.

I just can't believe it's been a little more than two weeks already: I haven't even reached my due date yet!


Anonymous said…
Wow, sounds like he's doing great! That's good. Also, I'm sorry to hear your grandma died, and glad to know that you'll be able to go up.
Katya said…
Oh, I'm glad you can go to the funeral. I remember you were stressed about that.

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