I never thought poop would be so important in my life

This week we moved S-Boogie from regular diapers into pull-ups (aka "panty diapers"). We still aren't to the official potty training point, because she's realized rather quickly that she can still just pee in her pull-up and it's no different from peeing in a diaper. We're planning on doing "potty boot camp" in a few weeks when Master Fob will be home for a while and can help out. It should go a little better for all of us with Daddy here helping. I mainly switched to the pull-ups because she's been asking more often to go potty and they're easier to deal with than regular diapers. I've been trying to remember to ask her to go potty often during the day, but I haven't been very good about reminding her. We are getting in the habit of sitting on the potty before naptime though. On Tuesday she pooped in the potty for the very first time, right before naptime. Yesterday and Wednesday she simply pooped in her pull-up rather than telling me she needed to go. Today the lesson finally sunk in. She declined to go potty before her nap (another reason I like pull-ups right now is that it helps me keep the pressure off and gives her freedom to say no without consequences for a little while longer). However, after hanging out in her room for a while she came out and announced that she needed to go. She sat on the potty for a while with a book and produced a poop! It feels so wonderful to just flush the poop down the drain instead of dealing with the lingering smell in the house and all the wiping involved. The system is working! I know it won't be totally easy, but we seem to be getting off to a nice start on the road to clean dry panties.


Tolkien Boy said…

Ah, the slowing of my biological clock...
Lady Steed said…

Do you have a really great "Hurray you used the potty!" song and dance routine?

Would you share it with us?
Earth Sign Mama said…
You realize of course that the correct spelling and pronunciation of the term is "cleandrypanties"?

And the proper protocol of the wearer of such is to go around in public announcing to everyone that you are wearing them, and then inquire about the listener's status in this exclusive club?
Anonymous said…
So how do you get her to actually go on the potty? That has been our biggest problem.
FoxyJ said…

We've been letting her sit on the potty before her bath for about a year now. Yeah, a year. She's known about the idea for a long time and had a little practice, but for some reason this week it suddenly clicked. I think the first time we just got the timing right and she happened to poop while on the potty. The positive vibes from that seem to be making her more excited about doing it again. It hasn't been totally smooth though--yesterday she was happily playing with poop leaking out of her pull-up all over her pants and she still denied that she was poopy! I've also discovered that giving her a book to look at will keep her on the potty longer. She usually poops after lunch, so today she sat on the potty looking at a book for almost ten minutes before producing a poop. Anyways, I just think it takes a lot of patience. We're also slowly upping the pressure (gentle pressure) on her to go in the potty and we're trying really hard to stay patient ourselves.
Cricket said…
YAHOO!! Good news for mom and dad :)
skyeJ said…
Peristalsis is our Friend!

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