They definitely have my business

As I might have mentioned before, our apartment is only steps away from a large outdoor shopping center. Most of the stores are way out of our budget (Pottery Barn, Coach, etc.), but they have a big nice grocery store that is just a short jaunt across the parking lot. When I first shopped there I quickly realized that it is probably a little too upscale for starving students. They have a custom sushi bar in the deli section, for instance. We have ended up shopping there most of the time, however, simply for the sake of not having to take our car to go anywhere else. And since I shop with the sales and stock up on some stuff at Costco, it's really not hurting our budget much. A few weeks ago we discovered the biggest reason to shop there: in-store child care. Yes, child care at the grocery store. They have a little "kids club" where kids can hang out for up to an hour while their parents shop. I'd noticed it the first time I was there, but felt weird about using it. Then a few weeks ago I thought I'd try it. Now S-Boogie is in love with the child care lady and her vast collection of dress-up clothes, and I like being able to buy my groceries in peace. Today I finished up shopping rather quickly so I thought I'd stop off at the cafe and get a hazelnut steamer. There is a little coffee shop in the store (we are in Seattle, after all), complete with a fireplace and cozy chairs. I also discovered today that they have a free dish of pastry "samples", which turn out to be large chunks of yummy scones and danishes. I had half an orange chocolate-chip scone with my steamer today. So now I have an escape plan next time things get too crazy in here--we're going to the grocery store. S-Boogie can go play in the kids club and I'll head over to the coffee shop for hot cocoa and free pastries. I'll just have to make sure every day doesn't end up being a hot cocoa sort of day.


Anonymous said…
You've mentioned the grocery store child care before. And I have turned CHARTREUSE with envy. But not at you because you're nice and deserve a good set-up like that. That is such a great thing. And you said that you hoped every day didn't end up being a hot cocoa day, but so what if it does? Sometimes those little indulgences, if they help me be a better parent during the other 99% of the time, are worth it.
Anonymous said…
Ah. To be in the Land of the Cheerfully Caffeinated. If Miki has her druthers, we'll end up at UW for her bachelors in a few years, so we may be joining you there. I hope that your local Supermarket's a chain store and that the others have daycare, too, because Miki will have died and gone to heaven. :)
Christian said…
Personally, I think every day ought to be a hot cocoa day. You deserve it.
Lady Steed said…
Wow. That is amazing. Shopping in peace, that sounds divine.

In store child

Also, what's a steamer? Is it like a hot chocolate but with a different flavor? Or is it just flavored steamed milk?
Earth Sign Mama said…
WOW...Just WOW...they get my business. That is a long long way from the US Navy Commissary where once I was reprimanded for using two carts at once: one for the three children (ages 3 and under) and one for the groceries. Some Navy chief with not enough to do, I guess. I should have handed over the surplus two children to him and driven off with the one kid in the seat!!
Anonymous said…
Wow. I went to this really nice chain grocery store in the Seattle area once, but I don't think it had childcare. So awesome. And I thought car shopping carts were high class...
Cricket said…
there are 2 chain stores here in AZ that have the kid care- AWESOME! Now that baby T is 2 she can go in as well, yea!! but we don't have the way cool coffee shop-thing, that would be the bomb, free child care and you don't even have to shop!!!

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