Cars I Have Loved

The other night on the freeway I saw a Jeep and suddenly had a flashback to that time in my life when I thought that was the coolest car in the world. I'm not really a "car person", but over time I have been obsessed with a few. I thought it was interesting to look back on them and what they say about the kind of person I was at the time.

Toyota Corolla

I remember being about five or six and deciding that I wanted a Corolla. It had to be almond-colored. I don't think I really even knew what a Corolla was, but somewhere I had heard the phrase "almond-colored Corolla" and decided that it sounded fascinating. There were a lot of phrases I fell in love with as a kid, even though I didn't really know what they meant. For a number of years my sister and I were obsessed with Weight Watchers, even though we had no clue what it involved. I just loved the alliteration of the phrase.

Geo Storm

When I was about 11, the Geo Storm appeared on the scene. I thought they were so cool, although I have no idea why. But I wanted one. It had to be turquoise. Of course this was also the time when bike shorts with lace, hypercolor shirts, and giant bangs were cool.


During high school I decided that I wanted a Jeep. I wasn't sure if I wanted a Cherokee or a Wrangler, but I liked them both. This was the time during my life that I became obsessed with Alaska. I had a plan to buy a Jeep and spend the summer after high school driving the Alaska Highway. I used to be a lot more adventurous and outdoorsy than I am now. I'm not sure what happened, but I haven't been camping since high school.

Renault Clio

I was trying to find a good picture of the specific car I was in love with, but I couldn't. There was a particular two-door model with cute bubbly headlights that was all over Spain during my mission. I really wanted one. I wanted to move back to Spain and live in a fun apartment and spend my days driving like a maniac with crazy Euro-pop blasting from my sporty little European car. Sigh.

Subaru Outback

I think that at least half the people in Seattle drive Subarus. I wasn't even aware of them until we moved here, and for a while I went through a period of intense Subaru jealousy. They are roomier than our car, but still fun. And they drive well in ice and snow. I just need to get one and cover it with some fun bumper stickers like "Republicans for Voldemort" and "Who Would Jesus Bomb?". Then I'll fit right in.

Right now I have a bit of minivan jealousy (just a bit), but mostly I long for something with remote entry. Trying to get two kids in the car while having to unlock every door by hand is not very fun anymore. We'll probably be getting a different car in the next year or two, and that is pretty much my only requirement as of right now. Hopefully by the time we're actually car shopping I can define my requirements a little more than that.


Emma said…
I have noticed a ton of Subaru's around here!!! It wasn't until I found out that if you have 4WD (which Subaru's do) you aren't required to put on chains. That makes sense. I want one too!
svoid said…
We just looked at some Outback's last weekend. I'm pretty sure that's going to be our next car. Maybe within the six months.
I've always wanted a Suburu. Now with three kids I think we'll have to be a mini-van family first.

I am not a car person either, but I know what you mean about the Jeep. My dad bought one for my youngest brother when he was in high school, on the premise that he would drive it too. I'm convinced that such a cool chic-magnet car was the beginning of my brother's long, slow decline. :)

But if I just had lots of money to spend on a car and no thought to practicality. . . I love the remade muscle cars. Especially the mustang in silvery green with a convertible top. And I really love Land Rovers. Also, the souped-up Mini is just too cute for words. When we retire, Plantboy and I want to cruise around and see every national park with our mini and a tent.

Plantboy has enough hilarious car stories (mostly about an red FIERO) to make a great post. Hmmm. . . .
Th. said…

We're leaning Mazda 5.

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