I love Friday!

This week was the beginning of a new quarter for me. I spent most of the last month in a state of limbo with work. For quite a while it looked like I would not have any classes to teach. But then a bunch of students suddenly registered for both classes and I found myself teaching four evenings a week. I am now teaching Monday through Thursday from 5:30 to 8:00. Plus I get to commute each night in the dark and the rain (yes it's dark by 4:30 when I leave my house). So far it's been a little exhausting. But at the same time, when I am in class the time just flies. I really do like teaching a lot. I feel somewhat timid still but I am learning how to direct things and how to teach well, but the fact that five out of six students from my 101 class signed up for 102 is a big confidence booster. I also remind myself of last year when Mr. Fob was not only in school but working two or three jobs. Now we both have the weekends completely off, and I get Fridays as well. Plus I still have plenty of time during the day to spend with my kids and to get stuff done in the house. And we're not having to pay for childcare like we would if I were working during the day. So now I'm grateful that I did finish my degree, I'm grateful to have a supportive husband, and I'm grateful for the school that hired me and the students who are so eager to take my classes. I hope I feel just as grateful in 11 more weeks. We'll see.


Lindsay said…
It sounds like you've got a good routine, which makes me happy. How nice, too, to enjoy your job! I know too many people who are not as lucky.

Also, this dark at 4:30 business? We're also apparently living on the wrong end of our timezone because that's the same time it gets dark here. It was nice to be in Utah where it took until about 6:00 to get dark.
Desmama said…
Glad to hear things have worked out schedule-wise, and I'm sure you're a great teacher. Now I just need to convince my sister that teaching college-age kids is the way to go. (Do you find that you like that age? She's teaching middle school right now and just graduated with her master's degree.)
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
I definitely prefer the Monday-Thursday schedule to having to teach on Friday. I love Fake Friday and then having all day real Friday to get work done.

I'm glad to hear that things worked out so well fo you this semester!
Earth Sign Mama said…
I'm so glad you got a gig! And it is a compliment that your former students are signed up again. And for desmama: college-age kids are a good deal. I've taught elementary, subbed (a lot) in middle school and taught a community college class for my friend for a couple of weeks while she was ill. College has none of the discipline issues. But public school does have worker benefits and tenure.
JB said…
Hey, that sounds pretty great! Glad to hear it. :)

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