It was inevitable

After nearly four-and-a-half years of parenting I finally made my first call to Poison Control today. I woke up not feeling very well this morning, so I tried to spend most of my time reading on the couch ignoring the children. S-Boogie had a friend over and they were playing in her room. I thought Little Dude was in there with them, but then the girls ran in yelling that he had made a big mess in the hall. Turns out he was getting into the hall closet dumping things out. Most of the medicine is out of his reach, but a few things got left down where they shouldn't be. At first I thought he had just dumped out a big bottle of Rolaids. Then I found a mostly empty bottle of chewable acetaminophen and realized that Little Dude's mouth was purple and smelled like grape. According to the bottle there should have been 30 tablets, but there were only 7 left. I know we've used a few, so he could have eaten somewhere between 15 and 20 tablets. Not good. I called up Poison Control and they reassured me that for his weight that should not be a toxic dose. We just can't give him any more medicine for a few days. I feel so bad because I'm usually so careful about these kinds of things. I do, however, usually spend most of my time trying to ignore the kids so I can read. I guess I should be a little more suspicious next time things get quiet.


Lindsay said…
Yikes! That's scary. I dread the day I have to call Poison Control (because, like you said, it's inevitable)...partly because I'm unsure of the number. Is each community supposed to have their own number or is a national thing? How do you find it?
Emma said…
Oh man. That would be scary. Glad he's OK!
Jenny said…
Lindsay, you can google it and they'll give you the number. It's also typically in the first pages of every phone book. It's the same number everywhere. 1-800-222-1222. If you're lucky like me, you can call enough times to memorize it!

Foxy, I applaud you for making it this far before calling poison control. I think I had been a mother for 18 month and then Savvy was eating bird crap off the pavement and so I called poison control because I thought one of my professors said something about it being highly toxic. Turns out it's not.
Carina said…
You and me both today, post to follow.

Thirdmango said…
I did almost the exact same thing, mine was when I was either 2 or 3 and I ate almost 3/4ths a bottle of flintstones vitamins. That was my parents first time calling poison control.
Desmama said…
Oh, dear. So scary, but I'm glad he's going to be okay. I'm sure my turn is coming . . .
I lived this panic just a couple months ago, too.
JB said…
Oh no! I'm glad he's okay.
M said…
You're just plain awesome. Mostly because you're so honest. You're a good mom. Even the best ones have things that happen that shouldn't.

For example, I sliced the webbing between my little sister's first finger and thumb when she was 2. And we're both pretty okay adults! And I still think my mom is a good mom... :-)
You poor Mommy. But he should be pain free for a while . . . .

It is really pretty miraculous that kids survive childhood.
ambrosia ananas said…
Glad he's all right.

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