
Little Dude was sick for about a week. He finally stopped having a fever last Thursday and has only been moderately cranky and snotty since then. Having him sick for that long was difficult and I was so happy when he got over it. Then Thursday night I tossed and turned feverishly. I woke up Friday with a sore throat, a headache, and a very bad temper. I've been feeling pretty crummy ever since then. My throat, tongue, and jaw ache. I can't stop coughing and I am amazed at the amount of snot that my head is producing. The only consolation is that today is a holiday so I don't have to get dressed and go to work. Except that tomorrow I need to. Hopefully I'll still have a voice by then. And I won't have killed myself just to make the suffering stop.


Gina said…
I am so, so sorry. Actually being sick is so much worse than justimagining being sick. And actually being sick with small children to take care of? Much worse even than that. I hope you feel better very soon!
Lindsay said…
I'm sorry you're feeling so yucky. Get well soon!!
Vanessa Swenson said…
dang. i hope you feel better soon!
Katria said…
I think you and I maybe have the same thing. My jaw has also been very sore, as has my throat. And there has been much in the ways of coughing, sneezing, and nose blowing. Also, there has been some temperature and chest congestion. Get well soon, because I haven't.
Tina said…
Know the feeling...I thought being up all night taking care of sick, wheezy kids was bad. But taking care of sick, wheezy kids while being sick and wheezy yourself is definitely worse!
Mama said…
Sometimes, when taking care of my sick kids, I wish it was more socially acceptable to say to them, "DO NOT BREATHE ON ME!"

Sadly, I have enough reasons they'll be in therapy, so I haven't said that.......yet......


Hope you feel better fast!
Lady Steed said…
yuck. hope you get well soon and stay well.
Kailey said…
Man, you really hid it well on Sunday that you were about to be blown over by the crud. My boys had it too, and so far I have dodged that bullet. PLEASE let me know if I can do something for you. I make a mean macaroni and cheese...

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