Raindrops on Roses

I haven't been posting as much because things have been busy getting started teaching again (more on that later). But I wanted to pass along some of my favorite things that I've discovered lately:

With some Christmas money (well, gift card) we finally got a laundry sorter. I'm in love with the fact that my laundry room is now organized and we don't have piles of dirty clothes and random baskets hanging around.

The other day at Ikea we picked up these bibs and they are perfect for Little Dude. I love the fact that they stay on and they cover up his entire shirt and sleeves. So nice! By the way, if you live close to Ikea and don't have any of their kids' dishes, you really should pick some up. They are cheap and durable.

I recently discovered Cinnamon Wheat Thins and they are my new snack of choice. Not too sweet, but just enough to feel like a treat.

We also checked out Baby Signing Time from the library and I really like it. I was a little skeptical because we have the first three volumes of regular Signing Time and they have most of the same signs. But I like the music on these and the kids on them are all little, plus it's signs that are most useful to little guys. Little Dude now consistently signs hat, shoes, and bus when we go outside.


Desmama said…
We just watched Signing Time again this morning after a long hiatus and I was reminded how much TinyDes loves to learn new ones. I'll have to check out Baby Signing Time.
Tina said…
We have the same laundry sorter!

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