Short Shameful Confessions

1. We don't usually get Diego videos from the library because the show really bugs me. Sometimes when he's putting all this energy into helping tree frogs I just want to sit him down and say "Diego, sometimes animals get hurt or sick and die. Then their bodies become food for other animals and possibly for plants. That's just what happens. Some baby animals are too little or weak to survive. It's just the circle of life; maybe you need to find a new hobby besides saving animals." I think this is part of why Finding Nemo bugs me: they have so much angst for being such little fish. Fish generally have short sad little lives, OK?

2. For some reason I have this thing about leaving the last few bites of my food on my plate. Especially sandwiches; it's like psychologically it's too much to finish it and so I feel better if I don't eat the last little bit. But then I hide it in the trash can in case anyone finds out I was wasting food.

3. I've been spending way too much time on Craigslist looking at apartments, which is silly because we don't need anything until the end of June.

4. I've also lately sometimes been a little sad that my husband didn't go into business or law or something that would allow us to have a big nice house and be able to afford vacations and new clothes. I never used to feel this way, but lately I've been feeling materialistic and wanting a fancier life. And then I feel dumb because I actually really enjoy the life that we have, and since I have no desire to work full-time I can completely understand why my husband doesn't either. Does anyone want to become our sponsor so we can become independently wealthy? Or pay me for reading the internet?


Jenny said…
I had no idea you felt that way about Nemo!
Julie said…
If Jonathan got paid for reading the internet we'd be rich! I sometimes feel that way too, especially since Jonathan did as much schooling as a doctor does!
If only I got paid what a doctor does :) Maybe we could just all live communally and then take turns who has to work?

The sandwich bit made me laugh...
rantipoler said…
I don't have much to say about #1 for obvious reasons (no kids), but as for the others, I also spend way too much time looking for condos online even though we're not moving until August, I wish I could throw away the last few bites of everything instead of feeling compelled to eat everything on my plate, and I totally understand your desire for a more comfortable lifestyle without the daily grind. There - I've added my shameful confessions to yours. :)
Earth Sign Mama said…
This is exactly the purpose of a pet dog: to eat those last bits of your sandwich; to be a real animal that you care for and who will love you back; and then it will get old/sick and die and you learn that life on earth is finite--but that's okay. Too bad he can't also earn a fabulous living...
Chillygator said…
Animation angst always makes me laugh. Is that wrong? Maybe.

I ALWAYS leave a few bites of anything and at least an inch of whatever I'm drinking in the glass. I pretend it's training me against the Deadly Sin of gluttony. Or something.
Kristi said…
Occasionally I wish I could sign up to have a wealthy benefactor who would provide for all the things that I want without all the hassle of saving and watching for super deals and stuff.

And good for you for leaving a couple bites. It's good to show your kids that they don't have to clean their plate if they're not hungry anymore.

And the internet is too darn addicting. And more-ish. I always can find more to do/search for/play/read online.
We like Diego. It is the house- full-of-boys thing. But yesterday when his mother went on and on about saving a baby sea turtle when she was a child because dear Tortuga was headed to the light in their house instead of using the moonlight to find the ocean, I wanted to yell, "It is called natural selection, Mami! Get over it. Ay carumba!" So, yeah, I pretty much feel your pain.

The Nemo thing I don't get; it may very well be my all-time favorite animated movie. Maybe it is the Australia thing. (I've gotta go see a man about a wallaby. Hah!) I giggled for ten minutes the first time I saw that "Shark bait oo-ha-ha" bit.

I feel your pain and conflict on #4. Then I try to remember that in this economy we are just grateful to make ends meet and that my grandmother raised 7 boys and 3 daughters in a 2 bedroom house and they are mostly very well-adjusted and generous adults. Still, when I close my eyes I dream of acres of solid oak, built-in book shelves and I try to just breath deeply until the vision passes.
skyeJ said…
I never feel bad about throwing away the last bite. Food gets wasted. The people who aren't okay with that are nuts and invented head cheese. A little waste is part of life. Like little fish dying! It would be a bad thing if you purposefully made the sandwich just so you could throw it away. That's an unacceptable level of waste. I guess you just have to figure out how much you're okay with, because you can't get away from it all. Perfection is not a realistic goal in life.
AmyJane said…
Oh, I identify way too strongly with most of these. Especially that last one...I've been having hard times with our level of living lately, and kind of can't wait for it to pick up a bit. Only then I feel crappy about that because I DO like my life...I'd just like to worry about money less and smell the neighbors cigaretts a little less too!
BurkeAndEmily said…
Every time I watch Jane Austen movies I wonder what it would be like to never have to worry about money. The women are almost always on the brink of destitution or massive wealth. And to some degree even today our financial fortunes are tied to our marriage choice. (But fortunately we women can work if we have to unlike Jane Austen's ladies.) And there's a nice 3 bedroom place in our ward as well as some 4-5 bedroom condos if you're interested. Do you know yet where in Utah you'll be moving to?
ambrosia ananas said…
I've heard leaving the last few bites recommended as a method to get people to stop overeating just because there's still food on the plate. #2 sounds like a healthy habit, to me.
Kailey said…
Oh how I wish I could sponser you... then I could sponser myself too. I love this post. I'm a big fan of little public confessions; very endearing. Guess what? I am having the same stupid computer probelm you posted about a few back. Have to send mine in, so sad. Oh, and are you still using your BYU email address? I think I emailed you a few weeks back while your computer was out. I'm going to be in Hawaii next week and thought I'd see if you knew anyone who wanted to do a family photo shoot or sumptin. My email is: I just wanna be sure I have your correct email now that you are a California girl! :)
Melyngoch said…
Look, Stephanie Meyer's a hack, but she made a fortune playing to the still-damaged wannabe-something adolescent in millions of neurotic people. Between you and Mr. Fob, you can absolutely come up with something equally sell-out. I believe in you.

I found Nemo much improved in Swedish, btw. Monsters, Inc. is my favorite by far.

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