For any of the parents among my readers: do your children scream all day long?
Mr. Fob and I have come to the conclusion that our mental health is suffering serious damage because our children make noise all the time. With Little Dude it's the usual toddler lack of volume control. Especially if you leave him in his chair at the table too long, he'll just start screaming his head off. Then S-Boogie will get sick of him screaming and start yelling at him to stop yelling. And then they have a nonsense argument at top volume. S-Boogie mostly just has a constant stream of noise coming from her. Usually it's some sort of humming or imaginary conversation, but sometimes it's highly annoying yelping. She's also decided that when she's scared or excited, the best thing to do is to scream as loud as she can. Oh, and then there are the numerous times during the day when one of them decides to take off running and screaming through the house, which means the other one has to join in too. Hopefully our eardrums and our sanity will last a few more years. Sometimes I look forward to the teenage years when they become mute. Although I can't see S-Boogie ever doing that.
Mr. Fob and I have come to the conclusion that our mental health is suffering serious damage because our children make noise all the time. With Little Dude it's the usual toddler lack of volume control. Especially if you leave him in his chair at the table too long, he'll just start screaming his head off. Then S-Boogie will get sick of him screaming and start yelling at him to stop yelling. And then they have a nonsense argument at top volume. S-Boogie mostly just has a constant stream of noise coming from her. Usually it's some sort of humming or imaginary conversation, but sometimes it's highly annoying yelping. She's also decided that when she's scared or excited, the best thing to do is to scream as loud as she can. Oh, and then there are the numerous times during the day when one of them decides to take off running and screaming through the house, which means the other one has to join in too. Hopefully our eardrums and our sanity will last a few more years. Sometimes I look forward to the teenage years when they become mute. Although I can't see S-Boogie ever doing that.
Compartmentalizing is good too. My boys are notorious for wrestling, especially after dinner when I want the house unwinding for bedtime. I could include Plantboy in that "boys" designation about half the time. So I will set the timer--For 15 minutes you can have a dart-gun fight, wrestling match, light saber duel, etc. (whatever noisy thing they want), but when that is over we will color, play legos, read stories, etc. Other noisy games--transformers, trains, and other things with a lot of loud machine sounds I usually have them pick a room to play in and then shut the door behind them.
Time helps, but training can too, so don't give up on them. They are just expressing their little selves. :)
Padded room.