I had another appointment with the doctor today, and everything is going wonderfully. I've gained 5 pounds in the last 4 weeks, which at this point is an acceptable rate of growth. My weight gain has progressed steadily and slowly, which is good. I still haven't topped 170, so this is great. Also, my blood pressure is staying nice and low, which is also good. Last week I started to experience a lot more swelling and stuff in my feet, so I was getting worried. It turns out that I've probably just inherited the family curse of varicose veins, so the blood isn't pumping well too my extremities . I haven't seen any veins in my legs popping out yet, but I've been developing troubling enlarged veins in, ahem, other places that are causing pain (don't think about that unless you've been pregnant before). Anyways, I'm supposed to try staying off my feet more as well as drinking plenty of water to keep my pressure up and the blood flowing. We'll see how ...