Just for Skye

I have three brothers, but only one sister. She is only 16 months younger than me, and it's a good thing we've always looked fairly different since we could practically be twins (not that people haven't mistaken us for them before, for some reason). I'm sure she wouldn't mind me telling you that we didn't always get along while we were growing up. I remember beating each other up, and I know I split her lip open with a carrot once. The other day I found my journal from when I was 13, and about half of the entries were about how much I hated her (sorry). Of course, pretty much all of the entries were about how I hated someone or something. I was a rather angry 13 year old. I don't hate very many people anymore.

Then I went away to BYU and grew up a little (I think). Then she came out to BYU a year later and we took some classes together. The next year we lived together as roommates. And we got to be good friends, even more so when I got back from my mission. She's always been there for me to talk to, and probably knows more about my secrets than anyone else (well, maybe Master Fob, of course).

And, more than anything, she's a really cool person. She's an excellent friend, has great taste in clothes, is generous with her time and money, and has a great sense of humor. S-Boogie is really going to miss her auntie; everyone needs a fun auntie who will buy them lots of rides on the motorcycles at the fair and buy them cool clothes at Gymboree. She's also taken our family portraits for the last 5 Christmases, starting with our engagement photos. And now she's joined the Peace Corps and will be flying off to Morocco this weekend to brighten their lives for 2 years.

I'm really excited for her and hope she has some wonderful adventures. I know the people there will love her as much as we do. I've had two brothers go on missions, but for some reason this time it's harder for me to say goodbye. If you want to find out why she's so cool, you should read her blog (she's promised to update it as regularly as she can).

We love you and wish you luck!


I like Skye. She's cool.
Th. said…

I like her too. I don't doubt you'll miss her.

Lady Steed and me were sad when she moved to San Diego and we didn't ever see her that much.
Lady Steed said…
Miss Skye is someone I don't know all that well, but still really like and admire. I liked her from the moment I met her, which I think was at a baby shower held for Foxy. If I remember correctly she gave me a ride home in her cute little car that day, she had only just met me. How nice.

As Master FOB said, "She's cool." and that's the truth.
skyeJ said…
I AM SO COOL. DON'T FORGET IT. And, I love wireless internet. Can I say that again? Thanks for the lovely post!

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