
We finally got our tax return last week, so now our car loan is completely paid off and we have some nice padding in our savings account.

Earlier this week I finished a paper for my literature class and submitted it to a conference. The only thing I have left to do for that class is to take an oral final at the end of the semester (well, and keep up on the reading, but that's not too hard).

I just finished a yucky syntax exam, but at least it was take-home and I felt pretty good about most of my answers.

I passed all of my specialty exam (hooray!).

Last Friday we had our first quarterly Primary activity for the year and it went over very well. We don't have to do another one until May (which hopefully means I won't be doing another one).

And, I finally got my maternity underwear out of storage so I am feeling much more comfy.


I think I'm going to go eat brownies and watch Law and Order reruns. I deserve it.


Christian said…
You do deserve it.

And monster congrats on the specialty exams. Three cheers for answering a question you made up. :)
skyeJ said…
Law and Order.....mmmmm....

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