My daughter is a zombie

And she wants to turn the rest of us into zombies too. S-Boogie got up about 6:00 this morning. Then at 6:15. Then 6:20. Then 6:30. At 6:40 I rocked with her until she fell asleep and put her in her bed. Then she got up at 6:50. At about 7:00 Master Fob had gotten out of the shower and I decided that I might as well get up then too. She came in announced that it was now morning, the sun was up, the moon and stars were hiding behind the clouds, and it was time for breakfast.

Now it's 9:30 and she's wandering around the house in a daze sucking her thumb. So am I.


You forgot midnight, 3:30, 4, and 4:30.
Cricket said…
Oh man! what a night. I hope she's feeling okay and that you 2 get a chance to recover
FoxyJ said…
I didn't know about the rest of the night. No one told me about it. Sorry :(
Cicada said…
No, but seriously, I watched Shaun of the Dead this weekend, and it could happen. Just don't allow her to bite you.
AmyJane said…
Sad! Poor little Patrick has to get up at 6:30 in the morning during the week in order to get me to work, Sean to school and Patrick to the morning babysitter. So then on weekends when we keep trying to get him back to sleep until a decent hour, he's just so confused by our craziness!

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