Update for week 29

I had another appointment with the doctor today, and everything is going wonderfully. I've gained 5 pounds in the last 4 weeks, which at this point is an acceptable rate of growth. My weight gain has progressed steadily and slowly, which is good. I still haven't topped 170, so this is great. Also, my blood pressure is staying nice and low, which is also good. Last week I started to experience a lot more swelling and stuff in my feet, so I was getting worried. It turns out that I've probably just inherited the family curse of varicose veins, so the blood isn't pumping well too my extremities. I haven't seen any veins in my legs popping out yet, but I've been developing troubling enlarged veins in, ahem, other places that are causing pain (don't think about that unless you've been pregnant before). Anyways, I'm supposed to try staying off my feet more as well as drinking plenty of water to keep my pressure up and the blood flowing. We'll see how well both those propositions work out... The doctor and I had a little discussion about the fact that I want to schedule my c-section for the 15th of June. Technically, that is 2 days past my due date, at least the one that they decided on because of my ultrasound measurements. But, it would mean missing only the last 2 days of my class while still giving me time to come back for a final if I absolutely have to. Also, it's a Thursday, which works well for family coming from out of town. I can understand the doctor's point of view--they'd rather get the surgery done earlier rather than later, so I don't go into labor before it's scheduled and have to scramble around doing an emergency surgery. But at the same time, due dates are rather arbitrary. Especially since my original due date was the 16th, based on my last period. Not only that, but I was keeping track of my ovulation so I know how long the baby's been in there. I don't trust the ultrasound measurements as much, especially since my uterus is kind of weird and makes it harder to tell what's going on in there. With S-Boogie, I had my section 5 days after my due date and my body was showing no signs of going into labor at that point. The bottom line is, I'm willing to take the "risk" of scheduling my surgery two days after my new due date, and I have the right to do so. Of course, my body will probably try to humble me by going into labor 3 weeks early or something like that, but I'll worry about that if it happens.


Katria said…
Babies are fun. I envy you. Sort of. Not completely.
AmyJane said…
I want to know how the scheduling goes for you, since I will have to deal with scheduled baby having the next go around. My mom had 6 (!) c-sections and they always insisted on schedueling them at least a week in advance of the actual due-date. Of course, she was delivering at a hospital that was almost 2 hours from home so going into labor would have been a big problem. Also, we were all well over 8 pounds so I'm sure we were OK to come out! Good luck with the negotiations!
Desmama said…
I will be envious if you have yours before I have mine. I'm due on the 10th, and there's no scheduling mine this time around (I'm trying for a VBAC, so we'll see how it goes.) But I know how uncomfortable you've been, so I will be happy for you when he finally makes an appearance, whenever that is!
Melyngoch said…
I take it this means 6/6/06 is right out?
FoxyJ said…
My doctor suggested 6/6/6, but that would be a little too early for my class. Of course, then we could name him Damon and see how he turns out...

Maybe we'll try for 8/8/8 or 9/9/9...
skyeJ said…
STICK IT TO THE MAN, Jessie. You schedule yourself any dang time you want to. How's that for a UT accent? I say stick it to the man because he's a very nice man, and I happen to like him a lot. But, it is your body. A risk of a post dates section is meconium, but if you think your EDC is right, and not the ultrasound EDC, go with it. OB's have to think worst case scenario. Although, you might change your tune when the entirety of a 38-weeker is impeding your circulation in the June heat. You can still change it! Sigh... I wish I was there for it!!!

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