Five days and counting

We finished up our Christmas letter, and Master Fob will stop at the Post Office today after work to send it on its way to our friends and relatives. We managed to do it with surprisingly little stress this year, having finally learned some lessons from previous years. Like don't try and print the entire thing plus envelopes and mail it all in one afternoon. That's not good for family harmony. I was a little disappointed in our photo this year, though Tolkien Boy and Sir Jupiter did an admirable job trying to capture the elusive S-Boogie. Quality photos were made impossible by bad lighting in our apartment, our crazy schedule and the crazy weather that prevented us from going somewhere nice to take the photo, uncooperative small children, and the fact that Skye is in Morocco and doesn't have a telephoto lens that big. Maybe next year will be a better year for photos. I also hope people won't be freaked out by our two-page letter this year. We'll try and condense more for next year; hopefully next year won't be quite so eventful.

We also finished up our Christmas shopping, which really didn't take much time or effort. I don't think my stuff from craigslist was that good a deal, but the lady was nice enough to deliver it to our house. I'm excited for S-Boogie to get her present, and I'm actually having a hard time holding off on opening all the cool gifts that friends and family have showered us with this year.

Our Christmas tree stopped sucking up water the other day and is now starting to get crunchy. Next year we will definitely not be lazy and will get a fresher tree from a private tree lot or even a farm. The grocery store may be close, but the trees aren't fresh.

Now I just need to plan the Christmas baking and cookie delivering. Our ward is actually meeting on Sunday morning instead of afternoon (hooray) so we may go do cookies on Christmas Eve after all. I'm just debating because we have friends that live 45 minutes away, and I don't want to crash their family party. Usually we just drop cookies, sing a song, and go away, but if we drive out that far I wouldn't mind stopping in and chatting for a little bit. We'll have to decide on that one.

And we're making gingerbread houss (well, graham cracker houses) tonight! I love Christmas!


Th. said…

I'm very excited.

We'll leave the lights on all night if we have to----anything for cookies!

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