What we need

We need fewer talks about how motherhood is a high and noble calling and more about how motherhood sometimes means that your hands smell like poop and your shirt has avocado spit up on it.


Earth Sign Mama said…
But...without the knowledge that it is a high and noble calling, could you stand the many years of avocado spit up and poop-smelling hands? It never hurts to be reminded that the poop smell is not going to last forever.
Anonymous said…
Foxy, I think the lack of poop and barf talks is why we all have blogs.
skyeJ said…
The next time I'm asked to give a talk, I'm going to talk only about the blood and gore parts of labor. Yeah? Wonder what the bishop would have to get up and say after that?
Anonymous said…
I would like to hear you give a General Conference talk on motherhood. (No, seriously.)

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