It's a Small World

When I first started blogging two years ago I had a small circle of friends that were doing it. Then it suddenly seemed like that circle blossomed to include just about everyone I knew. I love blogging as a way to keep in touch with old friends as well as to make new ones. At the same time, I rarely share my blog with people that I know in person and see on a regular basis (except for Master Fob, of course). However, I still like to follow links from random blogs I find to see if I run into anyone I know. Tonight I stumbled upon a cluster of blogs from people in my ward. Most are fairly new to the blogging world, so it's not surprising that I didn't find them sooner. Now I wonder if I should open myself up to them or not. I feel like we are friends, but at the same time there is a lot on this blog that I haven't really shared in public. How open do I want to be? Despite the fact that this blog is a public space, I often forget that there are plenty of people who read it that I don't know about. I try to be careful about ranting too much about those I know, because I never know if they will find me or not. At the same time, opening myself up to them might make for greater friendship. There's really only one way to find out.

Oh, and BYU just emailed to let me know that my thesis is officially available online for all to read. You can find it here (click on the "access this item" to open a PDF). I don't expect you to actually read it, since it is 64 pages long, but I just wanted to brag that I actually wrote all of it. If you find typos, please don't tell me. I don't want to know.


Josh Frome said…
Congrats on you thesis! I'm very proud of you!
Wow, those are some good looking bookmarks in that thesis.
robin marie said…
felicitaciones on your thesis!! and i'm glad we've found each other in the blogworld as well as the crazy real world.
Th. said…

At the very least I'll skim it.

And our ward has several blogging pockets that we keep learning about. It's funny because the aesthetic of my blog is in part based on the notion that no one knows who Thmazing is.

But it's no secret, and my blog is almost 100% free of embarrassing real-life things.

But I still HATE to tell people about it.

We are all neurotics.
skyeJ said…
The Sis. Just. Wrote. A. TheSis. Ha ha... I love a good pun. Yaayyyyyyyyy Foxeeeeee!!!!!

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