Sometimes things just get worse

So Little Dude never puked again after Monday night. But then he developed nasty diarrhea and I've spent the last few days changing his entire outfit four or five times a day. I think my washing machine is going to collapse from fatigue.

Then this afternoon S-Boogie started telling me that her tummy hurt. I was thinking diarrhea, so I just told her to go lie down on the couch. She fell asleep for a while. The she suddenly woke up and started spewing all over the couch. If you think curdled milk and cantaloupe baby puke is nasty, you should try peanut butter sandwich/yogurt/oranges puke. Nice.

So now my house smells like vomit and I'm starting to feel a little queasy myself. I don't know if it's just from the smell, but I have a sinking feeling that my vigorous and frequent handwashing has done me no good at all.


Vanessa Swenson said…
Start drinking some pepto? I hope that you don't get sick and I hope that the kids get better quick!
Samantha said…
Wow--I'm so sorry. I hope things get better soon--very soon.
Mama said…
OK, my kids all got that bug and I didn't - so THERE IS HOPE FOR YOOOOOOU!


I wish I lived closer - I'd come over and sit with the pukers (since I am obviously resistant to whatever that bug is) so you could get out of the smell. Of course, you wouldn't want to leave the children with a stranger, so you'd stay, too, and we'd both be sitting in the puke smell....both slightly uncomfortable and a little squeamish. And then finally I'd leave and say, something like, "Well, nice sitting here with you" and you'd desperately want to blog about the strange, strange encounter, but you'd know you couldn't! So, you'd have to email some friends and tell them how weird I was...

Ergo, it's best that I live in FL and can't really help right now. But I wish I could!!
goddessdivine said…
I'm on a puking streak; it's been almost 6 years for me.

Can't imagine cleaning that up after kids; but I guess mom's just gain that ability when they have children.
Kristeee said…
Doesn't that mean it's time to go visit Daddy for a while? I know that's what I'd be snarkily thinking. :)
Jenny said…
We have been giving Savvy chewable pepto and it seems to help a little. I also heard from my aunt who was a pediatric nurse that the heavy syrup from canned peaches stops vomitting.

I hope the smell goes away and you don't get sick.
skyeJ said…
The worst vomit I ever smelled was Mexican food that one of my patients apparently had before coming into the hospital in labor. It could've been enchiladas. Word to the pregnant: Don't eat anything before labor you don't want to see again. Hope you are all feeling better. (though I'm sure this comment didn't help!)

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