A little over 6 years ago I was on my mission in Madrid. I was transferred to new area at the same time as another elder. I remember asking him if was really from Hawaii, since he was so tall and blonde. We ended up serving together in the same district for nearly seven and a half months and had a lot of good times together. He was actually nice to the sisters and a hard worker, without being too zealous and overbearing. I knew he was going home just a month before me and planning on being an English major when he got back to BYU. When I was transferred out of that area, we exchanged emails and addresses and promised to get back in touch some day, like I did with a lot of other missionaries. I got home in January and started trying to contact some of the people I'd been friends with back in the mission. I emailed this particular elder and found out that he had gone to the computer lab that very day in order to email me. We started emailing each other and talked on the phone a few t...
(I'm feeling so puffed up over here.)
That movie God's Army had a lot of goofy things in it (Elders and sisters wandering off to spend an hour just chatting with one another--yeah, right), but there were some really great parts too. The main thing the director was able to show is that missionaries are just human. With real emotions and baggage and all the rest. My favorite part is when that sister is talking about what she gave up to come--that she didn't feel she could marry her fiance because they didn't seem to be in the same place spiritually. She felt she needed to serve to find out. She served, he married somebody else even though she still really loved him. She then said that the sacrifice was worth it to really know. Her words are better and she really testifies. Anyway, I feel like I gave up some things, as well as part of myself to serve well, but every day I realize just what a blessing those sacrifices were.