I haven't been posting very much over the last few weeks. Part of it has been the whole chaos of moving, plus people visiting and me going out of town. And I haven't been feeling very inspired as of late. As much as I've been trying to fight it, I really feel down lately. Some of that is due to adjusting to a new area, difficulty getting our finances in order and finding jobs that will cover the rent, the fact that Little Dude still just wants to spend all day in my arms, etc. But I also realized the other day that my life doesn't have to be as hard as it feels. I have way too many days where I don't even want to get out of bed, where things like getting dressed or brushing my teeth feel like they take too much effort, and I just want to go hide under a rock somewhere. I also realize that I can't fix this myself--it's there in my brain and I can't make it go away. The other day at a bookstore I stumbled on a book about post-partum depression and it was like reading about myself. It also mentioned that women with a history of depression, or who had a traumatic delivery, or who have colicky babies can be more at risk for PPD. Hmmm... I need to get my temple recommend renewed, so I think I'll ask my bishop about getting a recommendation for LDS family services for counseling. We don't have insurance yet, plus I think an LDS therapist would be more understanding of certain issues I have. I just don't want to feel this way any more, and I think I'm ready to do whatever it takes to get better.
There really have been so many elements that have contributed to the frustration you're feeling. I hope you're able to find good help so that you can continue to have joy in your life.
Ooh, also a second on getting to the temple itself. Sometimes when things are tough I just sit there and wish that I never had to leave. But even when I do have to walk out, things have a way of getting better after.