Switching Over

I just switched over to Blogger Beta. It was a little scary, but so far everything is fine. I got sick of not being able to comment on everyone else's blogs as FoxyJ. The only difference is that on Master Fob's family blog I'll be Foxy instead of my real name. But whatever. They know who I am.

We also have switched Little Dude over to formula, more or less. For right now I'm still nursing him about 3 times a day, plus any times at night. Well, we're trying to cut out the night feedings and he's been doing a great job this week. He got up at five this morning, so I went ahead and fed him since he'd been asleep most of the night. So far things seem to be working really well. When he does nurse, I'm usually pretty full and he doesn't get fussy. And he doesn't mind the bottles at all, even though I think I want to get better ones next time we have a little extra money. We got the cheapest ones available at Target, and turns out they really aren't as great as the fancy ones we've tried before. Oh well, they still get the food into his tummy.

It turns out that he really isn't such a crankypants when he has a full tummy. He's actually a really funny little guy who now plays with his toys instead of spending most of his time chewing on his hand and whining. He also sleeps much better now too. The difference is amazing. I really don't feel much guilt about it at all, because it's really obvious that this is the best choice for him. And so far I've been able to keep up my milk enough for a few snacks throughout the day. We'll see how long that lasts, but I'd rather do gradual weaning if I can. Now I just need to learn how to like the smell of formula. It still makes me gag, especially when it reappears as spitup.


ambrosia ananas said…
Hooray! Congratulations on making your baby happier. That's got to make your life so much less stressful. (Memories of my youngest sister as a baby make me never want to have children of my own--boy, she was a screamer.)
Desmama said…
Indeed congratulations. I hope things get better and brighter with a happier baby. Hopefully the sleep patterns get better as well. I can't remember the last time I got eight hours of continuous sleep . . .
Jenny said…
I'm glad things are starting to get worked out. I still haven't gotten used to the smell of formula. I don't know how Ethan likes the stuff after he's tasted so many other things.
Nemesis said…
I'm so glad the formula is working out! I bet it's nicer to have a baby who isn't trying to gnaw his own arm off all the time.
Becca said…
Anything to make the crying stop! :)

I sometimes give mine formula to supplement if I'm gone, or just not able to nurse anymore. And hurray for sleeping better! Life feels so much more normal that way.

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