Reading Roundup July
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott This is meant to be a book about life as well as writing, and I remember enjoying it while I read it. However, a few weeks later I don't remember a lot. I did read it quickly, so maybe I should read it more slowly next time. And take notes. Running in the Family by Michael Ondaatje An interesting memoir about his family history. Beautiful descriptions of tropical splendor, of course. In some way the eccentricities reminded me of my own family. New Moon by Stephenie Meyer I'll just say it: I hated this book. Hated it. I felt somewhat indifferent about Twilight , but this one was just so obnoxious. I wanted to slap Bella the whole time. There is nothing interesting about a main character who has no ambitions or life of her own, who spends her whole time following around one guy or another, and who is so shallow she wants to die so she can always stay the exact same age as her boyfriend. Blah. The Chosen by Chaim Potok I'm glad I gave Potok ano...