Something Different

I rarely blog about the good days, so I thought I'd write about our wonderful day today. For some reason Happy Mommy managed to get out of bed this morning, instead of the usual Grumpy Mommy. I think that was helped by the fact that both children slept through the entire night and that it was a warm, sunny day (and a "warm day" here means 80 degrees, not 100 like that other crazy state we used to live in).

We started the day off early; both kids were awake and hungry at seven. But I got a decent amount of sleep so I didn't mind too much. S-Boogie was upset that we didn't have good choices of cereal, so we mixed up some pancakes. We even put blueberries in them, since we visited the farm stand yesterday and bought some nice juicy ones. After we ate breakfast, we cleaned up and changed our clothes. Then I decided to load the kids into the jogging stroller and go for a walk. I quickly realized that I hadn't exercised for a very long time, but it was a nice walk anyways. Then we came home and Little Dude napped while I showered and S-Boogie watched Sesame Street on TV.

Before lunch S-Boogie helped me clean the windows in the living room. It's fun to see how much she likes to spend time with me and help me with things. Then Little Dude woke up, we ate lunch (including fresh cherries from the farm stand!), and went to the grocery store. S-Boogie played at the "fun center" while I got things for our barbeque tomorrow. In the middle of my shopping trip I got a call on my cell phone. It was someone responding to a resume I submitted online yesterday. The job is only part-time, but the pay is high because it would be tutoring for a test prep/tutoring service. The hours are flexible too, which is another nice bonus. I get to go in for an in-person interview and teaching demonstration in about a week-and-a-half.

We got home, put the groceries away, and had Little Dude take his nap while S-Boogie watched Dora. I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon to check out an unfortunate infection that keeps flaring up. Thankfully my friend was flexible enough to come to my house to watch the kids after Little Dude napped late. My visit to the doctor was quick and easy, more or less: I didn't have to wait long at all, but pelvic exams are never "easy". The medical assistant joked "having a vagina is a big pain, isn't it?" Yeah.

So I came home and we made some yummy noodles with peanut sauce for dinner. S-Boogie refused to eat them, and I fear for her bowels tomorrow. She had blueberry wheat pancakes for breakfast, cherries for lunch, and nectarines and vegetables for dinner. Little Dude only eats carbs. Combine their powers and I'd have a nutritionally balanced child. After dinner we played outside for a bit, then came in for bubble baths. Little Dude livened up the rinsing process by turning on the shower. Then it was jammies, stories, teeth brushing, and good nights for everyone. Little Dude even went to sleep after crying for only a few minutes (we're working on helping him fall asleep by himself).

Now I'm going to go eat an ice cream bar and maybe watch a movie. So there you have it. Something entirely different for this blog (and my life): a perfect day.


Jenny said…
Hurray for nice days! We are having the in season fruit backlash at our house this week also. Those bars look awesome, I'm sticking them on my grocery list. Thanks for the tip.
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
I agree! What a wonderful day.
Desmama said…
That does sound like a pleasant day. I'm amazed at what a difference it makes when I get enough sleep to keep up with everyone during the day. S-Boogie sounds so cute with her helping out. She's going to be four next month, right?
Kristeee said…
I'm glad that you had a sunny day inside and out! It's hard having several days, weeks, or months in a row of gloomy days. Many returns of the day!

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