For the record

After recently reconfirming my opposition to Disney movies, today I let S-Boogie watch Snow White and Pocahontas. When she's sick, I'll pretty much do anything to help her feel better. I also bought her strawberry ice cream.

I respond to stress by spending money. If you saw the amounts I spend, you'd probably laugh. But our budget doesn't have a lot of wiggle room so even little sprees add up. The funny thing is, I usually combine my penchant for spending with my need to eat to manage stress, so I end up blowing a wad at the grocery store. While waiting for S-Boogie's prescription I bought cherries, circus animal cookies, two kinds of pudding, and two kinds of ice cream. Then after I stopped by a different store to get new thermometer covers I stopped by Trader Joe's and bought a bunch more junk. Oh, and pizza dough so we can have pizza.

Insurance is a big pain in the butt. I shouldn't have to spend three hours and go to two different pharmacies to get the antibiotic that the emergency room at one the best children's hospitals in the country thinks my daughter should have. Would the insurance company rather pay for hospitalization than for an antibiotic? Apparently.


Earth Sign Mama said…
Wow! That is a nasty looking hand! Weird how some things can just get infected and evil while other times they just go away. Yes, throw food at all your ills--it is a good choice. If ice cream and pudding can't help then you really need the ER.
JB said…
I really hope she gets better soon, that looks miserable!
Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
Poor thing! I do the same thing when I'm stressed. I always buy things I would never eat normally. I should probably stop that.
Tina said…
That is frustrating and her poor hand looks very painful.

You guys really have bad luck with emergency room visits. What does this one bring the total to?
Jenny said…
I shop and eat while I'm stressed. Last week I went to Costco and it was bad, but we have a whole lot of Kleenex and laundry detergent now! I hope Sboogie gets better soon and you don't have to get her hospitalized. That looks horrible. I hope she quits itching.
skyeJ said…
I tend to shop and buy special groceries when I'm happy. When I'm sad I don't eat and stay inside alone. Life is weird. Poor Soapy-soap:( I hope the abx help soon. Its amazing the power of microorganisms.
Kristeee said…
Wow, that looks awful! Poor S-Boogie! I hope she feels better soon, and that the circus animal cookies help the healing process. I know they help me feel better - I think it's the sprinkles.
ambrosia ananas said…
Oh, poor S-Boogie. And stupid the insurance. I hope she feels better soon and that the insurance stuff is resolved soon, too.

And it's nice to hear someone else admit to grocery-store binges. (If I'm happy, I buy food. Stressed, buy food. Sad, buy food.)

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