S-Boogie Update
S-Boogie has cellulitis; according the handout we got from the ER it is a "potentially serious infection". Basically it happens when bacteria that are normally on the outside of your skin get inside it and decide to have a party. They probably got in through her mosquito bites. The "potentially serious" part comes in when the bacteria get into the bloodstream or if you get a scary bacterium like staph or that flesh-eating stuff. Thankfully none of that happened and her hand is looking much better. The only thing that sucks is that she's taking the extra-strength antibiotics that have to be given three times a day (every eight hours). That means that we get to take turns waking her up at 4 in the morning to give her medicine and a little snack to settle her tummy. I guess it's better than having her come down with a systemic infection or ending up in the hospital. At least she's an adaptable sort of kid and really doesn't seem to mind getting up to take medicine. I wish I were that cheerful about it.
Just a thought - you might want to consider feeding her a lot of yogurt with active cultures, or even getting some acidopholus at the vitamin store to keep her insides happy with all those antibiotics.
Did you ever read Mrs. Mike?
And I love your new profile pic!