How the mighty have fallen

I know I've already blogged about my views on children and licensed characters. Before my children were born I vowed to never let them watch television and to ban any sort of toys associated with characters from our home. Since then I've learned that real life has a way of tempering your ideals. S-Boogie still doesn't watch Disney movies or own any princess things, but we are firmly stuck in Dora land and have been for nearly a year now. I still refuse to buy her Dora clothing or Dora bedding, but she is convinced she will be receiving a Dora bike and helmet for her birthday in a few weeks. I think I need to start looking at consignment shops right now, because the birthday fairy does not have funds for a new bike. Here are some tidbits from today's Dora mania:

1. "Dora and Diego got baby jaguar. They had to go down the river and through the jungle. We saw a jaguar at the zoo. It was sleeping. I love Dora and Boots. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen." She said all this while pretending that her straw cup was a microphone. Then she invited me to share my testimony too.

2. "I know Mom! I can be Dora for Halloween. Oohh, and [Little Dude] can be Boots!"
She's really excited about this idea and I hope she forgets about it before the holiday. Maybe she can be Dora, but I'm not so hot about the Boots idea. Maybe if she does that I can be Map. Or Backpack.

At least she speaks some Spanish now. I love how she likes to ask me how to say things in Spanish. The other day I taught her to say "Abrocha tu cinturon de seguridad adentro del coche." So now she can be a bilingual flight attendant.


Mrs. Hass-Bark said…
Of all the licensed characters in the world, Dora seems to be the least offensive. Obnoxious, maybe. But at least she teaches Spanish. Right?
FoxyJ said…
Yeah, I'm sort of OK with Dora because she is bilingual and the world she inhabits is very bicultural without being obnoxious about it. Some of the characters speak Spanish, some speak English, and some speak both. I also like the fact that Dora has two parents and when they show her family it often includes her abuela and her tios and primos. And Dora is a strong female character who help other people without waiting around for other people to help her. Even the fairy tale episodes shows her on a quest to do things that will help her become a true princess. She saves the prince.
Kengo Biddles said…
I stick to my guns. "Don't listen to Dora. She's an idiot." Although, I have to say, I like her just as little as Maya and Miguel. I don't know how I feel about most children's programming, en fait. I guess it's a good thing Miki's home with the kiddos, because I would make their life _very_very_ boring.
We are pretty much a PBS family at my house. Lately the kids have decided they quite like Backyardigans and Go Diego Go.

My biggest issue with Dora and Diego is that they SHOUT. IS IT EASIER TO UNDERSTAND A SECOND LANGUAGE IF IT IS YELLED AT YOU!?
TK said…
I really laughed at #1, when I got to the end, and read what she was doing! Cute!

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