
I got tagged by Becca, who is a friend of some friends of mine, to share eight things about myself. Since I've already shared a number of things about myself, I was trying to figure out what you possibly couldn't know about me. Hopefully these will be 8 unique facts:

1. Even though the entire process is a pain, I love having parties and entertaining. I'm not that big into making things look great (a la Martha Stewart), but I love to cook and I love to invite friends over to hang out and eat. We celebrated with friends tonight and it was a lot of fun.

2. I ran a red light the other day. I really didn't mean to, and the more I think about it the more freaked out I am. I just keep imagining a car running into the side of my car and smushing S-Boogie, and it would be my fault. Thankfully that didn't happen.

3. I used to hate capri pants. When they first started being the fashionable thing to wear, I thought they were ridiculous. Finally a few years ago I realized that I just don't like shorts as much anymore. I guess I'm officially an old lady now.

4. I have to hang all the clothes in my closet facing the same direction.

5. One of my new favorite CDs is Mind Control by Stephen Marley. I like to listen to it really loud in the car.

6. When I was a kid I used to like to eat uncooked oatmeal with milk and molasses on it.

7. I sweat a lot. Even in the winter I usually have sweaty armpits. That's why I don't buy very many dry-clean-only clothes and I always feel self-conscious about people noticing.

8. I once ate a dog biscuit just to see what it tasted like (I was 9).

I'm supposed to tag 8 people, but it's late and it's a holiday, so I will invite all my readers to share 8 fun things about themselves.


robin marie said…
when i was little i mistook cat food for lucky charms! and i am totally a sweater.... it was super embarrassing in junior high and high school and it really limited what color of "formal" wear i chose (ie. all my prom dresses were black!) and yes i sweat constantly, even in the winter...
skyeJ said…
I never noticed your lack of "dry-clean only" clothing. Or your sweaty armpits, for that matter... Maybe we just aren't as close of sisters as I thought:) Can't really think of a time where I've smelled your B.O. or been grossed out by armpit stains. I am aware you sweat, but is mostly because I see you fan yourself and fluff your shirt out. But the actual physical evidence is mostly out of sight. Hmm. Thoughts to ponder when I write my autobiography...
Jenny said…
Here are some things most people don't know about me.

I was a cheerleader in high school. (I KNOW! WHAT WAS I THINKING?)
I still have the skirt I wore to my jr prom (it was semiformal) and since the waistband is stretchy I like to wear it when I'm pregnant. I've driven the Alaska highway five times, I hate being tickled because it makes me pee my pants, I don't like my maiden name because no one can ever pronounce it so I was relieved to get married, only it's not much better now, and Wyclef's song Guantanamera was one of my favorite songs in high school.

Also, I sweat a ton and I just started using the secret clinical deodorant because I had a coupon and it seems to help more than all the other ones.
I sweat tons too. I have since 6th grade. I just started using that secret clinical strength too, but I don't think it's done that much for me. Part of my problem is you're supposed to put it on at night, but I shower and exercise in the morning. They say it should still be fine, but I've not found that to be true. Still, I do think it's slightly better than other antiperspirants, but I don't know if the price jump is worth it.

I never buy shirts over $10 because I know I'll have to replace them pretty much every year.
Earth Sign Mama said…
Sometimes, soaking a shirt in white vinegar, then scrub it, will remove lots of the underarm stains in a (not white) shirt you really like. Sweatiness is, sadly, inherited dear Foxy...But I'd like to know who in the gene pool gave it to moi, since neither of MY parental units were sweaty people. However--I am just soaking all the time. I never held hands with boys when dating because it was too gross for them, eventually.
Becca said…
At least I didn't make you do 100...
Anonymous said…
I also must hang all my clothing the same direction in the closet, but I'm afraid that's only the tip of my OCD iceberg.

My worst red-light running incident happened after I took my last final in April 2002. I was driving east towards the mountains after getting a Schlotzky's sandwich and feeling all sentimental and relieved when I saw the light I'd just gone through turn green in my rearview mirror. That was the death of my post-finals relief.
Lady Steed said…
I'm with you on #7 Foxy.

I ran a stop sign a few months ago, right in front of a school. Now,every time I approach that same sign,I am not only very careful to stop, but am also filled with fear that a cop is waiting to pull me over and give me a ticket for the time I ran that same stop sign months ago.
skyeJ said…
The pattern for distribution of your sweat glands is linked to one X chromosome. So, if your hands sweat more than your feet, your mom passed on the X chromosome that dictates that. Think I got the non-sweaty X chromosome from mom because my mom and sister are the same type of sweaty, and I'm just not.

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