A veritable smorgasbord

Some of my observations about the fair:
1. Carnival people are creepy.
2. I think it's sad that the Utah County fair has way more booths for vendors of things like Noni Juice and multi-level marketing schemes than displays of local talent. I remember going to fairs that were mainly focused on things like winning prizes for your baking or crafts or animals, or other stuff like that. This one had all the crafts in one building in a far off corner and we only stumbled on them by accident. Of course I didn't enter anything in the fair, so maybe I shouldn't complain...
3. We also watched part of a performance by a children's dance group, and I vowed to never let S-Boogie dance like that. It was a bunch of girls and boys that were all somewhere between 9 and 13; they were dancing to disco music in short, tight outfits that were way too suggestive. As much as I think clogging is kind of nerdy, ten year olds should definitely not be sexy.
4. If you are going to sell food at the fair, do not put your 6 and 8 year old kids in charge of putting the plates together because it will take forever for people to get their food and they will be cranky with you.
Don't worry, I really did have a good time. I'm just a cranky old lady who likes to nitpick about things.