It really is a miracle

Warning: this post is about reproduction, so feel free to ignore it if you want

As much as I have lived the last two years in fear of getting pregnant before I'm ready (like 2 months after I have a baby), I've decided that the whole accidental pregnancy thing is probably much less stressful than the deliberately trying thing. The problem is, there are only one or two days out of the entire month where it is physically possible to get pregnant. That's it--your only chance. So, you have to monitor your body very carefully and then try to figure out when those special days are. Then you have to do what it takes to get pregnant on those days, and generally the hormones will make you want it, but not always (and there's always all the other life factors that get in the way too...). On top of all that, you won't know if what you did worked or not for at least another two weeks or so, and if it didn't then you have wait a few more weeks to try again! I don't know why this is bothering me so much, since it's not like we don't already have one kid and we've only been really trying for a little while. I know why people get really depressed after things don't work like they are supposed to for months on end. I should have ovulated two days ago, but I don't think I did. Then again, I'm not that sure and maybe I did. And I won't be able to find out for another few weeks or so. Yeah, in an ideal world we would be able to "try" every day or so, but we're not like that, OK? Once you've been married for a few years things just aren't that fun--sorry to disappoint all you single people, but there comes a point in your marriage where having sex every day is no longer a priority or even a possibility. Anyways, I think I'm feeling a little too hormonal and I should just go make some cookies or something.


Th. said…


According to every pregnency guru there are two unassailable facts in the realm of reproduction:

1) People who want to get pregnant will never get pregnant unless they mark up calendars, buy messy tests and read my book.

2) People who don't want to get pregnant will unless they mark up calendars, buy messy tests and read my book.
Cookies sound yummy.
Th. said…
Hey, Foxy---

Your namesake is a pretty good read. (I was curious to see if the address was taken.)

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