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Two posts in one day--my readers must be feeling very special. I just wanted to let you all know that if you haven't tried yoga yet, you really should. I've been trying it off and on over the last few years, and thanks to the lovely prenatal yoga video that I got (thanks TK, by the way), I've discovered how much it helps when you feel yucky. It really does. I also love my prenatal video because it has a segment on pregnancy massage, which I talked Master Fob into watching/practicing with me the other night. It was wonderful. I know what we're going to do for our weekly date for the next 17 weeks or so.
You don't have to be pregnant to enjoy yoga, though. I highly recommend this DVD, which really doesn't cost that much money. It's a lot easier to learn from a DVD than a book, and this one has a nice bonus feature that is a quick 15 minute workout that practices many of the things explained in the longer segment of the video. Even if your roommates look at you a little funny, you really should try yoga. It helps me feel energized, and the added flexibility does make a difference in how you feel during the day.
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You don't have to be pregnant to enjoy yoga, though. I highly recommend this DVD, which really doesn't cost that much money. It's a lot easier to learn from a DVD than a book, and this one has a nice bonus feature that is a quick 15 minute workout that practices many of the things explained in the longer segment of the video. Even if your roommates look at you a little funny, you really should try yoga. It helps me feel energized, and the added flexibility does make a difference in how you feel during the day.
OK, now we'll return to our regularly scheduled programming...
So thanks. Way to push me over the edge.